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What is croup?

Croup is a common childhood condition characterized by a barking cough and noisy breathing. It occurs when an infection with a virus causes inflammation and swelling of the voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea), making it harder to breathe. Symptoms are usually more noticeable at night.

The condition is most common in children under five years of age, because their small, soft windpipes are more likely to be affected by swelling. As children grow, their windpipes become bigger, stronger and better able to cope with infection. However, croup does sometimes occur in children up to about 15 years of age. It may also come back several times in some children who are prone to croup.


Croup is usually caused by infection with a virus, particularly the family of parainfluenza viruses. However, several other viruses can also cause croup, including influenza virus (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rubella virus (which also causes measles) and adenovirus.

These viruses infect the nose and throat first, before moving further down the airway into the voice box and windpipe. In turn, infection triggers inflammation, swelling and increased production of mucus, which partly blocks the upper windpipe.

Under these conditions, taking a breath can cause the windpipe to collapse, narrowing the space available for air to enter the lungs. Air vibrates as it passes through the narrowed windpipe, causing the harsh, high-pitched noise (stridor) when breathing in.

Croup is spread from person to person by breathing in droplets of fluid that have been sneezed or coughed by an infected person. The viruses that cause croup can also be passed on by touching the skin of someone who is already infected, or by sharing contaminated towels, bed linen or clothing.

Risk factors

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing croup include:

  • Age - children under the age of five years are at most risk;
  • Season - exposure to colds and viruses is higher in late autumn through early spring;
  • A personal or family history of croup, and;
  • Being prone to upper respiratory tract infections.

Signs and symptoms

Croup often starts with symptoms of a common cold, including a cough, runny nose and mild fever. The characteristic barking cough and noisy breathing usually develop at night, often several days after the initial cold symptoms. The cough usually sounds like a harsh, high-pitched whistling or crowing sound when taking a breath in.

Other general symptoms may include:

In most cases, the cough and breathing symptoms become worse at night. During the day, a milder cough and cold may be present, but generally children do not feel as bad.

The symptoms of croup are typically worse on the second or third day of the illness.

Croup causes a general feeling of being unwell. 

Methods for diagnosis

Your doctor will most likely diagnose croup by observing your child's symptoms, particularly any coughing or breathing noises. This may involve listening to the chest with a stethoscope or taking your child's temperature.

Types of treatment

Treatment for croup will depend on the seriousness of your child's symptoms. Possible options include:

Self care

In mild cases, croup may be managed at home if you and your child are relaxed and comfortable. To relieve pain and fever, your doctor may suggest over-the-counter medications, such as liquid acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Your doctor may also recommend plenty of water and rest to naturally boost your child's immune response to infection.

As the symptoms of croup are often made worse by stress and crying, you may also find it helpful to sit your child upright on your lap, while offering reassurance or a favorite toy.

In the past, providing an environment of moist, warm air, such as with warm showers or hot-steam humidifiers, was commonly recommended to treat croup. However, they are no longer recommended as research does not show any improvement with such environments, and instances of scalding and burns are increased.


If your child is distressed or having breathing difficulties, your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following medications:


For mild to moderate cases of croup, your doctor will most likely prescribe an oral corticosteroid, such as prednisolone. In severe cases, these medications may be injected directly into a muscle or vein. Corticosteroids work by reducing general inflammation throughout the body, including the voice box and windpipe. Symptoms usually ease within several hours of treatment.

Hospital treatment

Some children with severe symptoms may be admitted to hospital for observation and further treatment. In hospital, oxygen may be given through a mask if your child is distressed or finding it hard to breathe.

For severe or potentially life-threatening cases of croup, your child may be given adrenaline as an inhaled mist. This treatment reduces inflammation of the voice box and larynx within 30 minutes and lasts up to two hours. Adrenaline is administered with a nebulizer, usually in a hospital setting.

In very rare cases, a tube may be inserted into your child's nose or mouth to help with breathing. This procedure, known as intubation, is conducted under general anesthetic to reduce pain and discomfort.

Potential complications

Most children recover fully from croup, with no complications. However, in rare cases the following complications can occur:

Seek urgent medical attention if you notice the following:

Similarly, see your doctor promptly if your child is agitated, restless, drooling, turning blue, or unusually pale or sleepy.


The outlook for croup is usually very good when diagnosed and treated early. In most cases, symptoms last for 3-7 days. Sometimes the cough may last for longer, but there is usually no permanent damage. Although the characteristic cough and breathing noises of croup can be frightening, the symptoms often sound worse than they actually are.


Croup may be prevented by avoiding contact with people who have a cold. Teaching children good hygiene habits, such as washing hands and covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing, can also help to prevent the spread of viruses. Keeping children with croup away from organized activities is usually recommended until they are feeling well again.

Vaccination against diphtheria and measles can also protect children against infection. Although rare, these infections can lead to particularly dangerous forms of croup.


  1. Croup - NHS Choices. Accessed 7 November 2014 from link here
  2. Croup | Better Health Channel. Accessed 7 November 2014 from link here
  3. Croup in infants and children. Accessed 7 November 2014 from link here
  4. Croup: An Overview - American Family Physician. Accessed 7 November 2014 from link here
  5. Croup: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Accessed 7 November 2014 from link here
  6. RACGP - Croup assessment and management. Accessed 7 November 2014 from link here
  7. The management of croup - Australian Prescriber. Accessed 7 November 2014 from link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is croup?
Croup is a common childhood condition characterized by a barking cough and noisy breathing. It occurs when an infection with a virus causes inflammation and swelling of the voice box and windpipe, making it harder to breathe.
What are the symptoms of croup?
Croup often starts with symptoms of a common cold, including a cough, runny nose and mild fever. A characteristic barking cough and noisy breathing usually develop at night, often several days after the initial cold symptoms. Other symptoms may include a hoarse voice, increased mucous production, reduced hunger and difficulties breathing or swallowing.
How does croup occur?
Croup occurs when an infection with a virus causes inflammation and swelling of the voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea), making it harder to breathe. Under these conditions, taking a breath can cause the windpipe to collapse, narrowing the space available for air to enter the lungs. Air vibrates as it passes through the narrowed windpipe, causing the harsh, high-pitched noise (stridor) when breathing in.
What causes the 'barking' cough heard in children with croup?
An infection with a virus triggers inflammation, swelling and increased production of mucus, which partly blocks the upper windpipe. Under these conditions, taking a breath in can cause the windpipe to collapse, narrowing the space available for air to enter the lungs. Air vibrates as it passes through the narrowed windpipe, causing the harsh, high-pitched noise when breathing in and a 'barking' sounding cough.
Is croup contagious?
The viruses that cause croup are contagious, spreading in droplets of fluid that have been sneezed or coughed by an infected person. Similarly, they can also be passed on by touching the skin of someone who is already infected, or by sharing contaminated towels, linen or clothing.
How is croup treated?
Croup is usually well-controlled with home management measures and corticosteroid medications. In most cases, symptoms clear within a week.
What can be done at home to treat croup?
Croup may be managed at home if symptoms are mild and not causing distress. Self-care options include using over-the-counter pain relief medication, plenty of rest and hydration.
Is croup serious?
The outlook for croup is usually very good when diagnosed and treated early. In most cases, the symptoms last for between three and seven days. Sometimes the cough may last for longer, but there is usually no permanent damage. However, in rare cases you can experience severe breathing difficulties; dehydration; or secondary infection of the airway (pneumonia), windpipe (tracheitis), epiglottis (epiglottitis), lymph glands (lymphadenitis), or middle ear infection. Seek urgent medical attention if your breathing becomes rapid or causes the chest muscles to become sucked in against the ribs with each breath or if your child is agitated, restless, drooling, turning blue, or unusually pale or sleepy.
Can croup be prevented?
Croup may be prevented by avoiding contact with people who have a cold. Teaching children good hygiene habits, such as washing hands and covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing, can also help to prevent the spread of viruses. Vaccination against diphtheria and measles can also protect children against infection.
Can children get croup more than once?
Croup is most common in children under five years of age, when their small, soft windpipes are more likely to be affected by swelling. As children grow, their windpipes become larger and stronger, allowing improved infection management. However, croup does sometimes occur in children up to the age of 15. It may also come back several times in some children who are prone to it.

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About this article

Title: Croup

Author: Lauren Donley BSc (Hons)

First Published: 18 Sep 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Croup

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