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What is headbanging?

Headbanging is where infants and young children repeatedly bang their head against something in a rhythmic motion. It is surprisingly common in infants, with around 15% of infants aged 9-18 months and about 9% of two-year olds exhibiting headbanging behavior. [1] Headbanging is common in boys and girls and is generally temporary and harmless, but can last into childhood for some people. Headbanging can also occur during tantrums, or in people with certain medical conditions including sleepwalking, autism or Tourette syndrome.


The exact cause of headbanging is unknown, but there are some reasons why your child may be banging their head. These can include:

Risk factors

There are no specific risk factors for headbanging in toddlers. Children with conditions including autism spectrum disorder, sleepwalking or Tourette syndrome are more likely to headbang.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of headbanging include the rhythmic banging of one's head against various objects. For infants, this is commonly a pillow, bed, or bedhead and occurs at bedtime or nap time. In other instances, a wall, door or table are sometimes used. Headbanging can involve banging either the front or back of the head every few seconds and can last for around 15 minutes.

Methods for diagnosis

Headbanging can be diagnosed by your doctor after an explanation of your child's signs and symptoms.

Types of treatment

In most cases, treatment is not required and children will grow out of the behavior.

Headbanging behavior is generally considered a disorder if there is significant sleep disruption, or if it results in injury. Management techniques can include ensuring that their cot or bed is secure and stable, with ample padding or pillows and, if required, a guard rail.

Keeping a diary of when and for how long your child has headbanging behavior, can help identify the reason your child is headbanging. If you have established that headbanging behavior is attention-seeking related, it is important to avoid giving in to your child, as this can reinforce headbanging behavior. If you have noticed that headbanging is being performed as a pain-relief method for an underlying medical condition - for example, an ear infection - it is important to seek appropriate medical care from your doctor.

If your child has headbanging behavior that causes them to injure themselves, or puts them at risk of injuring themselves - for example, during sleepwalking - protective headwear may be worn.

Protective headwear, such as a specialized helmet, can minimize risk of injury. 

Potential complications

In most cases there are no long-term complications of headbanging behavior. It is possible for some children to harm themselves from headbanging against hard objects. If this occurs, it is important to consult your doctor and seek medical treatment.


Headbanging in toddlers is a relatively harmless and temporary condition that can occur in the first few years of life. However, in cases where headbanging persists into childhood, it can be an indicator of a developmental disorder, such as autism.


There are no specific prevention techniques for headbanging in toddlers.


  1. Kurtz, P.F., Chin, M.D., Huete, J.M., et al. (2003) Functional analysis and treatment of self-injurious behavior in young children a summary of 30 cases. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 36:205–19.
  2. “Common Behavioural Problems in Children | Doctor | Patient.co.uk.” Accessed October 8 2014. link here
  3. “Headbanging | BabyCenter.” Accessed October 8 2014. link here
  4. “Headbanging and Body Rocking Rhythmic Moving Disorder.” Accessed October 8 2014. link here
  5. Kurtz Patricia F Michelle D Chin John M Huete Rachel S F Tarbox Julia T O’Connor Theodosia R Paclawskyj and Karena S Rush. “Functional Analysis and Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior in Young Children a Summary of 30 Cases.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 36 no. 2 (2003): 205–19. doi:10.1901/jaba.2003.36-205.
  6. “Nonepileptic Paroxysmal Disorders in Children.” Accessed October 8 2014. link here
  7. “Tantrums | Better Health Channel.” Accessed October 8 2014. link here
  8. “Tourette’s Syndrome | Health | Patient.co.uk.” Accessed October 8 2014. link here

7 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is headbanging?
Headbanging is the action of banging one's head against something in a rhythmic motion. It is common in boys and girls and is generally temporary and harmless, but can last into childhood for some people.
What are the symptoms of headbanging?
Signs and symptoms of headbanging include the rhythmic banging of one's head against various objects. For toddlers this is commonly a pillow, bed, or bedhead and occurs at bedtime or nap time. In other instances, a wall, door or table are sometimes used. Headbanging can involve banging either the front or back of the head every few seconds and may last for around 15 minutes.
What causes headbanging?
The exact cause of headbanging in toddlers is unknown, but there are some reasons that your toddler may be banging their head. These can include self-comfort, pain relief, frustration or to seek attention.
How common is headbanging?
Headbanging is surprisingly common in infants, with around 15% of infants aged 9 to 18 months and about 9% of two-year olds exhibiting headbanging behavior.
How is headbanging diagnosed?
Headbanging can be diagnosed by your doctor after an explanation of your child's signs and symptoms. It may help to keep a diary of when and for how long headbanging episodes occur to present to your doctor. Headbanging behavior is generally only considered a disorder if there is significant sleep disruption, or if it results in injury.
How is headbanging treated?
In most cases of headbanging behavior in toddlers, no treatment and only management and monitoring are required. This is because most children will grow out of the behavior. If your child has headbanging behavior that causes them to injure themselves or puts them at risk of injuring themselves, protective headwear may be worn. If possible, it can help to identify and limit the cues or circumstances that cause headbanging.
Will headbanging clear on its own?
Most toddlers with headbanging behavior will grow out of it around the age of 3 years. In some cases, headbanging can continue into childhood and may be indicative of a development disorder, such as autism.

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About this article

Title: Headbanging

Author: Dr Bow Tauro PhD, BSc (Hons)

First Published: 24 Apr 2015

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Headbanging

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