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Jock itch

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What is jock itch?

Jock itch is an uncomfortable itchy, red rash in the groin area, caused by a fungal skin infection. It is referred to as jock itch, because athletes (colloquially known as 'jocks') commonly get the condition. However, anyone can potentially develop it, particularly individuals who have a fungal skin infection elsewhere on the body.


Jock itch, which is medically known as tinea cruris, is a common fungal skin infection, caused by a group of mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. These fungi also cause other skin infections (collectively known as tinea) such as athlete's foot, when it affects the feet, and ringworm, when it affects other areas of the body. The fungi live off dead skin cells and thrive in warm, moist surfaces, such as those found in the groin when it gets sweaty. You can catch these fungi from close contact with someone who has tinea, or contact with unwashed clothing or towels used by someone with tinea.

Risk factors

Anyone can develop jock itch, however, athletes more commonly get it due to regular sweating while playing sports, chafing from wearing protective clothing and/or sharing clothes. It is also more common in men. The risk of developing jock itch can be increased by being obese, which results in moisture being trapped in skin folds. Medical conditions, such as diabetes, increase the risk by lowering the body's immune defenses. The severity of jock itch can vary upon the presence of these underlying risk factors.

Signs and symptoms

The common symptoms are itching, chafing and/or burning in the groin, thigh and anal area. There is often a characteristic red, raised rash that commonly has a ring-shape, which spreads down the inner thighs from the groin area (much like ringworm elsewhere on the body).

Jock itch rash in the groin area. 

Methods for diagnosis

Potassium hydroxide exam

A scraping of your skin from the affected area is added to potassium hydroxide (KOH) and examined under a microscope. KOH destroys non-fungal cells, making it easier to see if any fungal cells are present.

Fungal culture

If fungus is present on the skin, it can be cultured using a special gel plate that selectively grows it.

Skin biopsy

A skin biopsy is performed only when other skin infections need to be ruled out.

Types of treatment

Good hygiene practices

Regularly bathing followed by thorough drying with clean towels, particularly using a separate towel for the affected area, will help to contain the infection. Changing your clothes, especially the underwear or other clothing in direct contact with the affected area, at least daily, will also help.


Jock itch can be treated with topical antifungal creams that are available over the counter, such as ketoconazole and terbinafine, applied directly to the affected area. Oral antifungal medications such as fluconazole are used for infections that don't respond well to topical cream. Treatment for some time after symptoms have subsided is required to prevent it returning. It is also advisable to treat other fungal skin infections, e.g. athlete's foot, to prevent spread throughout the body. If symptoms persist for longer than two weeks, seeing your doctor will help.

Potential complications

Antifungal side effects

Oral antifungal medications can cause nausea and liver damage if used for a prolonged period of time. Antifungals applied to the skin (topical) can cause itching and a burning sensation.


Jock itch spreads easily to other parts of the body, where it can cause tinea and athlete's foot.

Bacterial infection

Jock itch can cause breaks in the skin, which can lead to concurrent bacterial infections that will require separate treatment with antibiotics and may also cause permanent scarring.


Although jock itch can usually be cured, it is common for it to come back.


Maintaining good hygiene by washing and drying properly, washing linen and towels in hot water and not sharing them with others, can help prevent the spread of jock itch.


  1. Antifungal Medicines - Side effects - NHS Choices. Accessed 16 September 2014 from link here
  2. Dermatophyte (tinea) infections. Accessed 16 September 2014 from link here
  3. Diagnosis and Management of Common Tinea Infections - American Family Physician. Accessed 16 September 2014 from link here
  4. Epidemiology of dermatophytoses: retrospective... [New Microbiol. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI. Accessed 16 September 2014 from link here
  5. Jock itch | University of Maryland Medical Center. Accessed 16 September 2014 from link here
  6. Mycology Online | Dermatophytosis. Accessed 16 September 2014 from link here
  7. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira - Efficacy of topical antifungal drugs in different dermatomycoses: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Accessed 16 September 2014 from link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is jock itch?
Jock itch, medically known as tinea cruris, is an uncomfortable itchy, red rash in the groin area, caused by a fungal skin infection.
What are the symptoms of jock itch?
The common symptoms of jock itch are itching, chafing and/or burning in the groin, the thigh and the anal area. There is often a characteristic red, raised ring-shaped rash that spreads down the inner thighs from the groin area.
What causes jock itch?
Jock itch is a common fungal skin infection, caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. The fungi live off dead skin cells and thrive in warm, moist surfaces, such as those found in the groin when it gets sweaty. You can catch these fungi from close contact with someone who has tinea, or from being in contact with unwashed clothing or towels used by someone with tinea.
How is jock itch diagnosed?
Jock itch can be diagnosed by the following tests: 1) Potassium hydroxide exam - a scraping of your skin from the affected area is added to potassium hydroxide (KOH) and examined under a microscope. KOH destroys non-fungal cells, making it easier to see if any fungal cells are present. 2) Fungal culture - if fungus is present on the skin, it can be cultured using a special gel plate that selectively grows it. 3) A skin biopsy, in which a sample of skin is removed and tested for abnormalities such as an infection. It is performed only when other skin infections need to be ruled out.
How is jock itch treated?
Treatment for jock itch includes: Good hygiene practices: bathing regularly, then thorough drying with clean towels, particularly using a separate towel for the affected area compared to the rest of the body (to prevent spread), will help to contain the infection. Changing your clothes, especially the underwear or other clothing in direct contact with the affected area, at least daily, will also help. Jock itch can be treated with topical antifungal creams that are available over the counter, such as ketoconazole and terbinafine, applied directly to the affected area. Oral antifungal medications such as fluconazole are used for infections that don't respond well to topical cream. To prevent jock itch from returning, treatment needs to continue for some time after the symptoms have cleared.
Will jock itch clear on its own?
Jock itch will not clear on its own. If you have jock itch you will need to use antifungal medications to get rid of the fungus causing the infection. Medication has to be taken for some time after symptoms disappear, otherwise the infection can return.
Can jock itch be prevented?
Maintaining good hygiene by washing and drying yourself properly, washing linen and towels in hot water and not sharing them with others, can help prevent the spread of jock itch.
Who gets jock itch?
Anyone can get jock itch, however, athletes are more prone to it due to regular sweating whilst playing sports, chafing from wearing protective clothing, and/or sharing clothes. It is also more common in men. The risk of developing jock itch can be increased by being obese, because moisture can remain for a long time in skin folds. Medical conditions such as diabetes increase the risk of jock itch by lowering the body's immune defenses.
Is jock itch contagious?
Jock itch is contagious; it is passed by direct contact with the dermatophyte fungus.
Will jock itch keep coming back?
Although jock itch can usually be cured, it is common for it to come back. To prevent it from returning, you will need to continue treatment for some time after symptoms have cleared.

Related topics


Tinea, also known as ringworm, is a common skin infection with a characteristic ring-like appearance. It is caused by several types of fungus and can appear on different parts of the body including the scalp, chest, feet, groin, face, hands and nails. Tinea is very contagious but easily treated.

Athlete's foot

Athlete's foot (Tinea) is a fungal infection that causes itchy blisters which usually occur between the toes. Treatment options, such as antifungal creams, can improve symptoms within a few weeks.


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Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is inflammation of the skin caused by direct contact with an irritant or something that induces an allergic reaction. It commonly presents as a red, itchy skin rash usually on the hands or face. Avoiding the cause once identified can prevent it happening it the future.

About this article

Title: Jock itch

Author: Jonathan Meddings BMedLabSc (Hons)

First Published: 18 Sep 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Jock itch

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