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What is mastitis?

Mastitis is an inflammation of a woman's breast tissue. It commonly occurs within the first three months of breastfeeding an infant. It typically causes pain and redness in the breast.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms associated with mastitis include:

Mastitis can cause a red and swollen wedged area on the breast. 


Mastitis is caused by an infection in the breast. It begins with a duct in the nipple becoming blocked, usually in breastfeeding mothers. Bacteria from the surface of the skin or baby's mouth get trapped in the blocked duct or enter via cracked nipples. These bacteria infect the mammary glands, giving rise to the symptoms of mastitis.

The three stages leading to the development of mastitis. 

Risk factors

Risk factors associated with developing mastitis include:

  • Prior mastitis;
  • Blocked duct due to poor breast drainage from improper attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • Cracked nipples (though it can also occur without cracked nipples), and;
  • Restricted milk flow from tight clothing.

Methods for diagnosis

Mastitis can be diagnosed by your doctor after a physical examination and observation of your signs and symptoms including fever, chills and tenderness of the breast. A red, tender wedge-shaped area on the breast is also an indicator of mastitis.

Types of treatment

It is important to begin treatment at the first signs of mastitis. Mastitis is commonly treated with oral antibiotics to fight the infection. It is important to tell your doctor if you are allergic to penicillin. Pain-relief medication, such as acetaminophen, can also be used. Other treatment steps include:

Potential complications

If mastitis is identified and treated early, the condition will generally improve within 48 hours. Without prompt treatment, a breast abscess may develop that may require drainage. This is performed by a doctor and involves insertion of a needle into the breast in a process called aspiration.

There is also a risk of an infection with candida (thrush), particularly after using antibiotics. This condition causes breast pain, especially during and after feeding.


Mastitis is a temporary and treatable condition. Although it can be quite painful at first, treatment with antibiotics is very effective and fast acting. It is important to begin treatment as soon as possible to avoid the condition worsening and an abscess forming.


To help prevent mastitis, it is important to ensure that milk is draining well. Blocked milk ducts can be due to missed feeds, the breast not draining well, or the wrong feeding position. If there is an oversupply of milk, you can speak to your health provider to discuss the best ways to manage this. It is possible to reduce the level of milk by expressing milk by hand or with a breast pump. Trying to get rest while your baby is asleep is also good for your wellbeing.


  1. Association Australian Breastfeeding. Mastitis. Australian Breastfeeding Association July 8 2011. link here
  2. Breastfeeding - Dealing with Mastitis. Better Health Channel. Accessed August 1 2014. link here
  3. Mastitis. The Royal Womens Hospital. Accessed August 1 2014. link here
  4. Murtagh John. Murtaghs Patient Education. Australian ed of 6th revised ed edition. North Ryde N.S.W.: McGraw-Hill Australia 2012.
  5. Murtagh John MD. John Murtaghs General Practice. 5th Revised edition edition. North Ryde N.S.W.: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing 2011.

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is mastitis?
Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. It commonly occurs in women who are breastfeeding, usually within the first three months. It typically causes pain and redness in the breast.
What are the symptoms of mastitis?
Signs and symptoms of mastitis include: discomfort or pain in the breast; a red and swollen wedged area on the breast; a blocked milk duct or lump; shivers and aches; high temperature or fever, and; tiredness and weakness.
What causes mastitis?
Mastitis is caused by an infection in the breast. It begins with a duct in the nipple becoming blocked, usually in breastfeeding mothers. Bacteria from the surface of the skin or baby's mouth get trapped in the blocked duct or enter via cracked nipples. These bacteria infect the mammary glands, giving rise to the symptoms of mastitis.
Who can develop mastitis?
Risk factors for mastitis include: having had mastitis before; blocked duct due to poor breast drainage from improper attachment of the baby to the breast; cracked nipples (though it can also occur without cracked nipples), and; restricted milk flow due to tight clothing.
How is mastitis diagnosed?
Mastitis can be diagnosed by your doctor after a physical examination and observation of your signs and symptoms including fever, chills and tenderness of the breast. A red, tender wedge-shaped area on the breast is also an indicator of mastitis.
How is mastitis treated?
It is important to begin treatment at the first signs of mastitis. Common treatment is oral antibiotics to fight the infection in your breast. It is important to tell your doctor if you are allergic to penicillin. Painkillers, such as acetaminophen, can also be used for relief. Other treatment steps include: continuing to breastfeed from the affected breast (this is important for you and is safe for your baby); keeping the breast well drained through feeding or expressing your milk; heating the sore area of the breast before feeding (this can be done with a warm shower, hot water bottle or warm face washer); cooling the breast after feeding. (this can be done with an icepack wrapped in cloth); massaging any lumps within the breast towards the nipple while feeding; getting enough rest, and; eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water.
Can mastitis be cured?
Mastitis can be effectively cured by treatment with antibiotics.
Will mastitis clear on its own?
Mastitis will not clear on its own. It is important to start treatment with antibiotics as soon as possible to avoid any complications, such as an abscess forming. If mastitis is identified and treated early, the condition will generally improve within 48 hours.
Can mastitis be prevented?
To help prevent mastitis, it is important to ensure that milk is draining well. Blocked milk ducts can be due to missed feeds, the breast not draining well, or the wrong feeding position. If there is an oversupply of milk, you can speak to your health provider or breastfeeding counsellor to discuss the best ways to manage this. It is possible to reduce the level of milk by expressing milk by hand or with a breast pump. Trying to get rest while your baby is asleep is also good for your wellbeing.
Is mastitis contagious?
Mastitis is not contagious.

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Nipple problems during breastfeeding

Nipple problems such as pain and soreness are common during breastfeeding. They are usually caused by incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast, which can be corrected with advice from a midwife, nurse or lactation consultant.


Breastfeeding has many benefits for mother and baby, from improved immunity for baby, to closer bonding for both. Some women find that breastfeeding comes naturally, but for many others, advice and education from health professionals helps them to overcome some hurdles.

About this article

Title: Mastitis

Author: Dr Bow Tauro PhD, BSc (Hons)

First Published: 28 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Mastitis

Average rating: 4.2 out of 5 (1399 votes)

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