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What is meningitis?

Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the protective layers surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The most common cause is a viral infection; however, the most serious cause is a bacterial infection (bacterial meningitis).

There are an estimated 1.2 million cases of bacterial meningitis in the world every year and about 180,000 deaths. [1] Bacterial meningitis is estimated to cause 2% of all child deaths in the world. [2]

Meningitis is an inflammation of the brain's protective layers, called the meninges. 


There are several possible causes of meningitis. The inflammation can be the result of infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi. It can also result from non-infectious causes such as inflammatory diseases.


Bacterial meningitis

Bacterial meningitis can be extremely serious and is treated as a medical emergency as it can be fatal, if not appropriately treated. Bacterial meningitis can be spread through contact with saliva and nasal droplets. It can be caught through close contact, such as sharing a room or household with an infected person.

About one in 10 people is a healthy carrier of the bacteria that cause meningitis. [3] These people do not suffer any symptoms, but can transfer the bacteria to others.

Some of the most common bacterial species that cause meningitis include:

Other bacterial species known to cause meningitis are

Non-bacterial meningitis

Viral meningitis

Viral meningitis is more common and normally milder than bacterial meningitis, though it can be highly contagious. Most people recover from viral meningitis without any permanent damage. It is common in children and young adults.

Viruses that can cause meningitis include:

Viruses that cause diseases such as measles, mumps and the flu can also result in meningitis, as a complication of these diseases. However, infection with these viruses can be preventable by vaccination.

Fungal meningitis

Fungal meningitis is rare and not contagious. It can develop when a fungus gets into your bloodstream or central nervous system. Fungal meningitis can develop very slowly and generally occurs in people with a weak immune system.

Infection is often a result of inhalation of the fungal spores. These spores are normally found in the soil or in animal droppings, but are sprayed into the air when dust or droppings are disturbed, such as by being kicked or stepped on.

Parasitic meningitis

Rarely, meningitis is caused by infection with single-celled parasites, such as amoebas. This typically occurs when a person swims in water where the parasites are found and the contaminated water enters the nose. This rare condition is dangerous and often fatal.

Non-infectious meningitis

Inflammation of the meninges can also occur without any infection. Some causes of non-infectious meningitis include:

Risk factors

Weak immune system

Factors that can affect the immune system include:

  • Age (young children and elderly people);
  • Disease (for example, HIV/AIDS), and;
  • Medical procedures, such as chemotherapy or organ transplant.

Environmental factors

People in an environment where meningitis infections are more likely to occur include:

  • Young adults forced to sleep in crowded conditions, such as university dorms or army barracks, and;
  • People living in, or travelling to, the 'meningitis belt', a region of sub-Saharan Africa where bacterial meningitis is common. Once every 8-12 years, the region experiences widespread outbreaks that may cause tens of thousands of deaths.

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms of meningitis can closely resemble those of the flu. They can appear quickly, sometimes hours after infection, or over a few days. It is not possible for a person to diagnose themselves or family members with meningitis. It is therefore very important to seek professional medical help if you suspect meningitis.

Symptoms in adults

The 'classic' symptoms of meningitis in adults include:

At least two of these symptoms appear in nearly all people with bacterial meningitis. Additional symptoms of meningitis may include:

Symptoms in infants

In infants, the symptoms of meningitis might appear slightly different. They include:

Symptoms of meningitis in infants. 

Methods for diagnosis

Meningitis can be difficult to diagnose in the early stages, because the symptoms can be similar to the flu. If your doctor suspects that you have meningitis, they may perform one or more of the following tests:

Types of treatment

The type of treatment depends on the cause of the meningitis.

Bacterial meningitis

Bacterial meningitis is promptly treated in a hospital with high doses of antibiotics, given intravenously.

Non-bacterial meningitis treatment

Treatment of non-bacterial meningitis is usually managing the symptoms, providing plenty of fluids and making sure that the inflammation does not cause pressure on the brain. Meanwhile, the person's immune system takes care of the infecting virus.

In some cases of viral meningitis where the immune system is weak, specific antiviral therapy may be recommended.

Fungal meningitis is normally treated with antifungal medication, such as amphotericin B or fluconazole. Parasitic meningitis is treated with antiparasitic medications.

Potential complications

Bacterial meningitis is still a dangerous condition today, and can lead to serious complications and death. Untreated bacterial meningitis is usually fatal. Even with treatment, there is still a real chance of death or serious disability.

After-effects of the infection are also more pronounced in bacterial meningitis than in other kinds.

Viral meningitis is usually less severe and will normally clear up on its own in 2-4 weeks, but complications can still occur.

Meningitis complications result from the damage that the inflammation causes to various areas of the brain. Complications can include:


Some people recovering from meningitis may suffer from after-effects of the inflammation. These problems can linger for some time after the episode has passed, but usually get better eventually. They can include:

Blood infections

Bacterial meningitis can lead to contamination of the bloodstream with the infecting bacteria (septicemia or bacteremia), a dangerous complication of meningitis. Blood infections can lead to arthritis, gangrene, kidney failure, septic shock and death.


Preventing infections

There is no guarantee against meningitis; complete prevention is not yet available. You can lower the risk of bacterial meningitis by avoiding close contact (sharing a room, household, dormitory, kissing or sharing food and cutlery) with an infected person.

Close contacts (family, household members) of people that have been diagnosed with bacterial meningitis may receive antibiotic treatment to prevent infection and development of disease.


Vaccines are available against the most dangerous types of bacteria that cause bacterial meningitis, as well as against some of the viruses that cause meningitis. The vaccines do not cover all possible infectious causes of meningitis. In many countries, these vaccines are offered as part of the regular childhood vaccination schedule. Vaccination is also often recommended for:


  1. Control of epidemic meningococcal disease. WHO practical guidelines. 2nd edition. World Health Organisation. Accessed 27 April 2015 from link here
  2. Luksic I. Mulic R. Falconer R. et al. (2013) Estimating global and regional morbidity from acute bacterial meningitis in children: assessment of the evidence. Croatian Medical Journal 54: 510-518.
  3. Meningococcal meningitis. World Health Organisation. Accessed 20 April 2015 from link here
  4. Board A.D.A.M.E. (2012). Meningitis. PubMed Health. Accessed from link here
  5. Brouwer M.C. Tunkel A.R. & van de Beek D. (2010). Epidemiology Diagnosis and Antimicrobial Treatment of Acute Bacterial Meningitis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 23: 467492.
  6. Choices N.H.S. (2014 June 30). Meningitis - NHS Choices. Accessed 14 July 2014 from link here
  7. Jong E.C. Stevens D.L.. Netters Infectious Diseases
  8. McPhee S.J. & Rabow M.W. (2013). CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2014 (53 edition.). McGraw-Hill Medical.
  9. Meningitis. Text. Accessed 14 July 2014 from link here
  10. Meningitis and Encephalitis Fact Sheet: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Accessed 15 July 2014 from link here
  11. Meningitis: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Accessed 14 July 2014 from link here
  12. Meningococcal disease. Better Health Channel. Accessed 14 July 2014 from link here
  13. Meningococcal disease - The facts - Department of Health Victoria Australia. instructional. Accessed 14 July 2014 from link here
  14. Vaccines: Mix-and-match for meningitis. (2011). Nature 475: 269269.
  15. Van de Beek D. (2012). Progress and challenges in bacterial meningitis. The Lancet 380: 16231624.
  16. Van de Beek D. Brouwer M.C. Thwaites G.E. et al. (2012). Advances in treatment of bacterial meningitis. The Lancet 380: 1693702.
  17. WHO | Meningococcal meningitis. WHO. Accessed 14 July 2014 from link here
  18. WHO | Epidemiological information. WHO. Accessed 16 July 2014 from link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is meningitis?
Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective layers that surround the brain and the spinal cord. It can be a serious, life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical care.
What are the symptoms of meningitis?
In adults, the symptoms of meningitis may include: sudden fever; severe headaches; stiff neck; an altered mental state; confusion or trouble concentrating; unintelligible speech; chills; head and neck arching backwards; joint pain and muscle pain; vomiting or nausea; sleepiness or difficulty waking up; skin rash (reddish-purple spots the size of pinpricks, or larger bruise-like spots); sensitivity to light; seizures; rapid breathing, and; lack of appetite. In infants the symptoms of meningitis might appear slightly different. They include: high fever; sleepiness; irritability, constant crying, moaning or grunting; inactivity; lack of appetite, no interest in feeding; vomiting and nausea; stiffness in the body and neck, and; a swelling in the soft spot on top of baby's head (fontanelle).
What causes meningitis?
There are several possible causes of meningitis. It can be the result of infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi. It can also result from non-infectious causes such as inflammatory diseases.
Who gets meningitis?
While anyone can get meningitis, the disease is most common among infants and young children, elderly people and people whose immune system is weak.
How is meningitis diagnosed?
In its early stages, meningitis can be difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms can be similar to those of flu. If your doctor suspects meningitis, they may do a physical examination to check for signs of infection around the head; a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), to take a sample of fluid from around your spinal cord; take blood samples to check for infection, and; carry out chest X-rays, and/or a CT or MRI scan of your head to check for swelling or inflammation.
How is meningitis treated?
Meningitis is treated according to its cause. Bacterial meningitis, the most dangerous of meningitis types, is a medical emergency and is treated with an immediate injection of antibiotics into the vein.
Can meningitis be cured?
If treated early, most cases of meningitis can be successfully treated.
Will meningitis clear on its own?
Viral meningitis usually clears on its own with supportive treatment. Bacterial meningitis requires close observation and expert treatment to prevent complications.
How is meningitis spread?
Bacterial and viral meningitis are spread by close, prolonged contact with infected people. The micro-organisms are spread via coughs, sneezes and saliva.
What increases the chances of developing meningitis?
Infants and other people with weak immune systems are at greatest risk of developing meningitis. People living in close quarters (dormitories, army barracks, etc.) are also at increased risk of infection, as are people who live in or travel through the 'meningitis belt' region of sub-Saharan Africa, which experiences periodical outbreaks of bacterial meningitis.

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About this article

Title: Meningitis

Author: Dr Idan Ben-Barak PhD, MSc, BSc (Med)

First Published: 10 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Meningitis

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