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Newborn baby care and safety

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What is newborn baby care and safety?

Taking your newborn baby home from hospital can be both daunting and exciting, especially if you are a first-time parent. It is perfectly normal to feel somewhat overwhelmed and wonder how you are going to care for this tiny person; many new parents are terrified they will drop their child or do something silly. So, while you are in hospital, take full advantage of your care team; your midwife will be happy to offer advice on sleep, feeding, bathing and safety issues and can answer any questions you may have.

Your new baby needs a safe, caring environment in order to thrive and it is your duty as a parent to make sure they are kept safe from harm in your home and outside of it. Looking after a newborn baby is a combination of common sense, love and patience - it is important that you, your partner and any other caregivers all agree on safety.

Safety around the home

Newborn babies are incredibly vulnerable and are totally dependent on you for all aspects of their care. Luckily, they are not very mobile for the first few months of life, so child-proofing your home is relatively easy. Injuries in the home or backyard are the most common reasons for hospitalization or death in children under four years of age - and most injuries are avoidable. [1]


A few simple steps can be taken to ensure feeding is a positive and safe experience for you and your baby, including the following:

Around the house

They may be tiny and not very mobile, but there are still plenty of potential hazards to be aware of around a newborn baby, including the following:

Around others

Safe sleep environment

All new parents worry about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the chances of SIDS occurring, but there are plenty of other ways to protect your baby while they sleep:

Safe handling of your newborn baby

Your newborn baby has a fragile spine and is easily injured. How you pick them up and hold them, or let others hold them, is vital for their wellbeing. Good measures to always observe include:

Using a baby sling or stroller

Many new parents enjoy the freedom of carrying their baby around in a baby sling, but very tiny babies can easily suffocate if incorrectly positioned, as they are too small to move themselves. Guidelines have been designed to protect your baby in the first few months, but if your baby is premature, unwell or of low birth weight, always check with your doctor before using a sling. If you do use a sling, make sure it has USA safety standards certification.

The most dangerous positions for tiny babies are when they have their face pressed against your body, or the fabric of the sling, or their chin is pressed against their chest. Keep their back supported and their nose and mouth free. Very small babies can get into distress without making a sound or movement.

The T.I.C.K. rule has been designed to help parents remember how to use a baby sling safely.

Tight - the sling is kept tight with your baby supported upright and the head also supported. Keeping the sling tight will support the baby's weight - loose cloth allows the baby to slouch and can restrict their breathing;

In view - you should be able to see your baby's face by looking down. Ensure your baby's face, especially the nose and mouth, are free of material and unobstructed;

Close (enough to kiss) - your baby's head should be close enough for you to tip your head forward to kiss them. This means the baby is held high and not slouching downwards, and;

Keep - the baby's chin off their chest. Always keep your baby's chin up and do not allow them to curl up with their chin drooping against the chest, as this can restrict their ability to breathe.

When using a stroller, ensure it has USA safety standards certification. Also:

Safety in the car

The first and most important point to remember is to never leave your baby unattended in your car - it is illegal in the US. Also:

Safety at bath time

Newborn babies are very vulnerable at bath time, as they cannot lift their heads out of water and can also get cold very quickly. About 10 minutes is usually enough time for a newborn baby. Bath time should be fun and relaxing for you both - and a great bonding time - so following some simple rules will ensure you both enjoy the experience:

Steps to follow for safely bathing your baby. 

Interacting with your newborn baby

Caring for your newborn baby is not just about health and safety; they need as much love as you can give them in order to develop emotionally. Your baby hears everything you say and they love to be sung and spoken to, kissed and cuddled. The first few months are a very special time for bonding. Spend as much time as possible interacting with your baby, and get them used to the other members of your family too.

Newborn babies do not do very much for the first three months, but they are soaking up everything around them. Get them used to your routine and the normal sounds and activities in your household; if you usually play music, keep playing it.

Babies love rhythms, which is why they take such delight in nursery rhymes as they get older. Get into a good routine of reading or singing to your baby from an early age and they will enjoy this for the rest of their lives.


  1. 1301.0 - Year book Australia 2006. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  2. 12_Key_Facts_about_Child_Injury.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  3. 120544 Home Safety Checklist A4.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  4. 1301.0 - Year Book Australia 2006. (-a). Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  5. 1301.0 - Year Book Australia 2006. (-b). Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  6. Baby care - safety issues | Better Health Channel. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  7. Common Infant and Newborn Problems: MedlinePlus. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  8. Going-home-after-your-baby-is-born.pdf. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  9. Infant Care and Infant Health: Condition Information. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  10. Infant Care and Infant Health: Overview. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  11. Kids Health Info?: Parent information about newborn babies - interacting. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  12. Safety with a newborn baby | Raising Children Network. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  13. What are some ways to promote infant safety in a car? Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  14. Why are immunizations important for my infants health? Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is a newborn baby?
A newborn baby is a baby that is 28 days or less in age. This is when babies are at their most vulnerable and are totally reliant on others for feeding, caring and nurturing.
What should I do to get my home ready for my newborn baby?
They may be tiny and not very mobile, but there are still plenty of potential hazards to be aware of around a newborn baby. Babies like to put things in their mouths. Keep all small items out of reach of your child, as babies can choke easily. Likewise, do not leave string, ribbons or any item which could strangle your baby within their arms' reach. Keep plastic bags, blankets, scarves and any product that could smother your baby well away. Newborn babies can smother silently - always be vigilant about what is within their reach. Install fly screens on all windows to prevent wasps or mosquitoes from entering your nursery or living areas. Ensure that all toys and baby equipment have an 'Australian safety standards' sticker.
What are the most common injuries in newborn babies?
Falls are the main cause of injuries in newborn babies, usually by falling off change tables or other raised surfaces. Avoid this by always keeping a hand on your baby while changing them, or by using a changing mat that is placed on the floor.
Are family pets safe with my newborn baby?
Never leave your baby alone with pets, as even the most placid dog or cat can act unexpectedly around a new baby.
What are the rules regarding transporting a newborn baby in a car?
Your car seat must have modern fixtures and fitting, complying with current Australian safety standards. Babies under 6 months of age need to be placed in rear facing child seats with a 5-point harness in place. By law, babies and children under 4 years of age must travel in the back seat of your car, if it has two rows of seats.
Can I leave my newborn baby in the car when I go shopping?
It is illegal to leave a baby alone in the car, even for a few minutes.
What other risks are there when travelling with a newborn baby in the car?
Cars become very hot very quickly, so protect your child from heat and direct sunlight by not overdressing them and parking the car in the shade. Always get into the habit of putting your baby into your car on the curb side, avoiding the chance of injury from other vehicles.
Is it safe to put my newborn baby in a baby sling?
Very small and unwell newborn babies can be at risk of suffocating in a baby sling if they get into the wrong position. Following the rules of T.I.C.K. (Tight; In view; Close, and; Keep) will help you remember how to keep your baby safe in a sling: Tight - the sling is kept tight to support the baby and its head in an upright position. This will also support the baby's weight, whereas a loose cloth will allow the baby to slouch, which can restrict the breathing. In view - you should always be able to see your baby's face when looking down. Make sure that your baby's face, especially the nose and mouth, are free of material and unobstructed. Close - your baby's head should be close enough for you to tip your head forward to kiss them. This means the baby is held high and not slouching downwards. Keep - always keep your baby's chin up and don't allow them to curl up with the chin drooping against the chest, as this can restrict their breathing.
Are newborn babies easily injured?
Newborn babies cannot support their heads for a few months after birth so always provide support for your newborn baby's head and neck when moving, lifting or carrying them. Your newborn baby has a fragile spine and is easily hurt. Never shake your baby or throw them up in the air, as this can cause spinal or brain damage or even death.
Is it safe to bathe a newborn baby? How should I do this?
Newborn babies are very vulnerable at bath time, as they cannot lift their heads out of water and can also get cold very quickly. About 10 minutes is usually enough time for a newborn baby bath. Bath time should be fun and relaxing for you both - and a great time for bonding - so following some simple rules will ensure you both enjoy the experience: 1) Have everything ready, including their change of clothes, warmed bath towel, nappies and any creams or ointments. Keeping baby warm is very important as they can get a chill after a bath if exposed to cold air when wet. 2) Always support your baby's head and neck gently, be careful getting them into the water feet first. 3) Use a gentle, calm voice when talking to your baby in the bath, especially if they appear tense or scared. 4) Never leave your baby alone in the bath - do not answer the phone or doorbell, and take your baby with you always. 5) It is not necessary to bathe your baby every night - in fact, this can dry their skin out. 6) Always run the cold tap first then top up with hot water, to reach a comfortable 36ºC, then test the water with your elbow before putting your baby in. Just put in enough to cover your baby's shoulders in a reclining position. 7) You may want to wash your baby's hair before or after the bath, as shampoo can cause tears. Wrap them tightly in a towel, keeping arms at their side and carefully supporting their head and neck, hold them over the bath and wash with a sponge or flannel keeping the water out of their eyes. Dry hair gently in patting movements. 8) Never leave your baby lying on his/her back in water - gently hold the head above the water while you wash him/her with a soft sponge or flannel. When they are very small, a folded-up towel on the bottom of their bath will help to stop them slipping around.

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About this article

Title: Newborn baby care and safety

Author: Karen McCloskey BHSc

First Published: 22 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Newborn baby care and safety

Average rating: 4.2 out of 5 (1399 votes)

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