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Stomach cancer

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What is stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably in the stomach. The stomach is part of the digestive system, where food is churned and broken down mechanically, aided by stomach acid. The abnormal cells that grow to form a cancer can spread to other parts of the body (metastasize).

Stomach and the digestive system. 


The cause of stomach cancer, as with other cancers, is due to damage to cellular DNA. This damage results in uncontrolled cell growth, which leads to a cancer. Cancers invade nearby tissue, or cells can break off and spread throughout the body (metastasize) via the bloodstream or lymphatic system. The exact causes of this cellular damage to cells in the stomach are not known.

Risk factors

Risk factors for stomach cancer include:

  • Age - most cases of stomach cancer occur in people over 50 years of age;
  • Smoking - smoking doubles the risk of developing stomach cancer;
  • Gender - stomach cancer affects twice as many men as women;
  • Genetics and family history - inheriting genes that increase the risk of cancers of the digestive system, such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HPNCC);
  • Helicobacter pylori infection - this is the bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers, but it is also associated with an increased risk of developing stomach cancer, and;
  • Partial gastrectomy for ulcer disease - people are more likely to develop stomach cancer decades after having this procedure.



This is by far the most common type of stomach cancer. It originates in the glandular cells of the stomach.

Squamous cell cancer

This is a rare type of stomach cancer that originates in squamous cells. These are flat cells located between the glandular cells in the lining of the stomach.


Treatment outcomes can vary greatly depending on the stage of cancer. It is staged according to the size and location of the cancer, and whether it has spread to nearby or distant lymph nodes, or organs throughout the body.

Stage 0

The cancer has not spread beyond the lining the stomach.

Stage I

The cancer has spread to the first layer of the stomach, but not the muscles.

Stage II

The cancer has spread to the muscle layer of the stomach or the lymph nodes near it.

Stage III

The cancer has spread to the lymph nodes near the stomach and the muscle lining, but not the organs.

Stage IV

The cancer has spread throughout the body to distant organs.

Signs and symptoms

Early stomach cancer may not have any symptoms. Symptoms of stomach cancer can include:

Methods for diagnosis

Your doctor will ask you questions about your medical history and any symptoms you have and feel your abdomen for any abnormalities. If your doctor thinks you might have stomach cancer, they'll refer you to a specialist in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterologist or upper gastrointestinal surgeon).

If stomach cancer is suspected, the following tests can be performed:

Laboratory tests

Complete blood count

Your doctor might order a complete blood count to check for signs of anemia caused by bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Fecal occult blood test

Your doctor might order a fecal occult blood test to look for blood in the stool.


Endoscopic ultrasound

Sound waves are used to create an image of the stomach and nearby structures. During an endoscopic ultrasound, you are sedated and an ultrasound probe is attached to an endoscope and inserted via the throat into the stomach.

Computerized tomography (CT) scan

A computerized tomography scan uses X-rays to develop a 3D image of the body. This can detect small tumors effectively.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging is like a CT scan, but uses magnetism instead of X-rays.

Positron emission tomography (PET)

Positron emission tomography can provide images of the cancer and any sites of cancer spread.


Upper endoscopy

During an upper endoscopy, you will be sedated and a long, narrow telescopic camera will be inserted into your throat to view the upper digestive system. Any suspicious lesions can be biopsied (see below).

An endoscopy procedure. 


Laparoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to see the organs in the abdomen and pelvis. It involves making a small incision in your abdominal wall and inserting a thin device with a camera called a laparoscope. Gas is pumped into the cavity to expand it and give your doctor a clear view. Laparoscopy can be used simply to inspect the pelvic and abdominal areas, but also in conjunction with more complicated surgery, such as removing tissue samples or burning away scar tissue. These more complicated procedures require additional incisions in the abdomen for other instruments to be used. This procedure is often performed after cancer has already been found to check that it hasn't spread, as scans can miss some of the smaller tumors.

Tissue biopsy

Analysis of a biopsy is the only way to determine whether any abnormal cells are cancerous. Biopsies are often taken during an endoscopy, but if a scan indicates a tumor that is located deep in the stomach wall, a biopsy can be then taken using a fine needle guided by ultrasound. The biopsies are sent away for microscopic examination by the pathologist.

Types of treatment


Surgery involves the removal of part or all of the stomach and any cancerous lymph nodes.

Adjuvant therapy

Adjuvant therapy is given after surgery, with the aim of preventing the cancer from returning. It can take the form of radiotherapy, and/or chemotherapy.

Neoadjuvant therapy

Like adjuvant therapy, neoadjuvant therapy also uses one or more of radiotherapy or chemotherapy, but is provided before surgery.


Chemotherapy works by attacking cancer cells and stopping their reproduction. Various medications are used, which can be administered intravenously or orally. They are often given in cycles, followed by rest periods, which help to reduce the toxic side effects of chemotherapy. Your doctor will monitor your dosage and treatment schedule to ensure optimal therapeutic dosage is administered, with minimum side effects.


In this type of therapy, focused X-rays are applied to the area where the tumor is located. Another form of radiation therapy is brachytherapy. This involves implanting radioactive seeds in the tumor or the nearby area, which deliver cell-destroying radiation directly into the tumor. Radiotherapy can be used alone, or in addition to surgery and/or chemotherapy.

Other therapies

Some people diagnosed with cancer seek out complementary and alternative therapies. None of these alternative therapies are known to cure cancer, but some can help people feel better when used together with conventional medical treatment. It is important to discuss any treatments with your doctor before starting them.

Potential complications

Treatment side effects

There are a range of side effects of treatment for stomach cancer, including the following:

Advanced stomach cancer

This is when the cancer spreads to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. The growth of the cancer in other body parts results in a destructive effect on their function.


Survival rates tell you what portion of people with the same type and stage of cancer are still alive a certain length of time (usually 5 years) after they were diagnosed. These numbers can't tell you how long you will live, but they might help give you a better understanding about how likely it is that your treatment will be successful.

It is important to remember survival rates are only an indication, and are based upon the averages of previously treated patients. It is not an absolute prognosis for an individual. It is often difficult to accurately predict an individual's cure or survival rate. Constant advances in treatment are continually improving these statistics.


You may reduce your risk of getting stomach cancer by quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy diet that is high in fresh fruit and vegetables and fiber. You may benefit from receiving treatment for confirmed Helicobacter pylori infection, if necessary. If you have genetic conditions that put you at a greater risk of developing stomach cancer, your doctor may recommend regular screening, where possible.


  1. Cancer survival and prevalence in Australia: period estimates from 1982 to 2010. Australian Government – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Accessed 22 September 2014 from link here
  2. Cancer survival and prevalence in Australia: period estimates from 1982 to 2010 (full publication; 28 Aug 2012 edition) (AIHW) - DownloadAsset.aspx. Accessed 18 July 2014 from link here
  3. Dietary problems after surgery for stomach cancer - Cancer Information - Macmillan Cancer Support. Accessed 18 July 2014 from link here
  4. Gastrointestinal Complications (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute. Accessed 18 July 2014 from link here
  5. How is stomach cancer diagnosed? | American Cancer Society. Accessed 18 July 2014 from link here
  6. Radiotherapy for stomach cancer?: Cancer Research UK?: CancerHelp UK. Accessed 18 July 2014 from link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is stomach cancer?
Cancer of the stomach results from damage to the cells in the stomach, causing them to replicate out of control. Cancer cells can also break off and spread to lymph nodes or other organs.
What are the symptoms of stomach cancer?
Symptoms of stomach cancer include indigestion, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, difficulty or pain when swallowing, and blood in the vomit or feces.
What causes stomach cancer?
The exact causes of the cell damage that results in stomach cancer are unknown.
How is stomach cancer diagnosed?
Stomach cancer is ultimately diagnosed with a tissue biopsy examined by a pathologist. Other diagnostic tests include scans or procedures to discover the size and location of the cancer.
How is stomach cancer treated?
Stomach cancer is treated by a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Can stomach cancer be cured?
Stomach cancer can potentially be cured with aggressive treatment, especially if diagnosed early.
Can stomach cancer be prevented?
Cancer cannot be prevented, but you can reduce your risk by not smoking, maintaining a healthy diet and by taking a prescribed course of antibiotics to treat stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.
Are there different types of stomach cancer?
The type of stomach cancer depends on the type of cell it begins in. Adenocarcinoma of the stomach starts in the glandular cells of the stomach, whereas squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach starts in the squamous cells of the stomach lining.
What increases the chances of developing stomach cancer?
Stomach cancer can affect anyone, but it tends to more commonly affect men over 50. You are at increased risk if you smoke, are infected with the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, or have a family history of disease.
What is the outcome for stomach cancer?
Treatment outcomes for stomach cancer vary according to the stage and type of cancer. Your doctor will discuss your likely treatment outcome with you.

Related topics

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is the name for cancers that arise in the large intestine or rectum. Also known as colon cancer or colorectal cancer, bowel cancer can interfere with bowel function and spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver and lungs.

Esophageal cancer

Oesophageal cancer is the name for cancers that arise in the tissues of the oesophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. Abnormal cells can form a tumour, leading to problems with swallowing food, and can spread through the body.

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is the name for cancers that appear in the pancreas, an organ near the stomach that plays an important role in digestion. Pancreatic cancer can interfere with how the pancreas functions and can spread throughout the body.

Barrett’s esophagus

Barrett's oesophagus occurs when the cells lining the oesophagus – the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach – change from a type of cell called squamous into columnar (cells more typical of the stomach and small intestine), due to damage from acid reflux.

About this article

Title: Stomach cancer

Author: Jonathan Meddings BMedLabSc (Hons)

First Published: 26 Sep 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Stomach cancer

Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 (1554 votes)

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