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Strep throat

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What is strep throat?

Streptococcal sore throat, or 'strep throat' for short, is an infection of the throat caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria. Common symptoms include a sore throat, chills, fever and a swollen throat and lymph nodes.

Although anyone can get strep throat, it is most commonly seen in children aged between 5-15 years. It is uncommon in people aged under three or over 40. In these groups, a sore throat is more likely to have a different cause, such as a common cold or flu virus.


Group A Streptococcus bacteria, also known as group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) or Streptococcus pyogenes, invade the tissues within the throat, causing a localized infection of the throat (pharyngitis) and tonsils (tonsillitis). These bacteria are also responsible for other conditions, such as impetigo. Some individuals may carry the bacteria in their nose and throat, or on the skin, and do not exhibit any signs or symptoms of an infection.

Strep throat can be passed from one person to another within droplets from coughing and sneezing, or by sharing food or drinks. For this reason, the condition often spreads among members of the same household.

Strep throat can cause a red, swollen and sore throat. 

Risk factors

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing strep throat include:

  • Age - being aged between 5-15 years;
  • Exposure to family or household members who have the condition;
  • Crowded living conditions, and;
  • Being prone to having Streptococcus bacteria living in your throat.

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of strep throat appear within about four days of coming into contact with an infected person. The condition can affect just the throat (pharyngitis), or both the throat and tonsils (tonsillitis).

Common signs and symptoms of strep throat include:

Strep throat is not usually accompanied by a cough, which can be a feature that sets it apart from a sore throat caused by infection with a virus.

Strep throat can cause swollen lymph nodes and tonsils in a child. 

Methods for diagnosis

To diagnose strep throat, your doctor may look closely inside your throat, feel your neck, take your temperature and perform a throat swab.

During a throat swab, the throat and tonsils are gently rubbed with a sterile cotton swab, to collect a sample for laboratory testing. Laboratory testing can accurately identify if strep throat is the cause of the sore throat, although it can take several days to get a result.

A more immediate test is the rapid antigen detection test (RADT), which also uses a throat swab, but can be performed in the doctor's office.

A blood test can also help rule out other potential causes of a sore throat, such as mononucleosis (also known as glandular fever).

Types of treatment

Treatments for strep throat aim to relieve pain, shorten the duration of illness, limit the spread of infection and reduce the risk of complications. With these aims in mind, your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following options:

Self care

To relieve pain and fever, your doctor may suggest over-the-counter pain-relief medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen (but not aspirin in children, due to the risk of Reye's syndrome). Similarly, saltwater gargles, soothing liquids and medicated lozenges that cool or numb the throat may be helpful. Water and rest may also be recommended to boost your immune system's natural response against infection.


Although the symptoms of strep throat usually clear on their own within seven days, Streptococcus bacteria can remain without treatment. To reduce the risk of complications or further spread of the condition, antibiotics are prescribed when infection with Streptococcus bacteria has been confirmed.

The most common antibiotic for strep throat is oral penicillin. Less frequently, roxithromycin or erythromycin may be recommended if you're allergic to penicillin.


Surgical removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) may be recommended if Streptococcus bacteria causes frequent tonsillitis. This procedure is conducted under general anesthetic in a hospital or clinic. Like all surgeries, tonsillectomy is associated with the possibility of side effects, such as bleeding during or after surgery, pain and infection. However, most people recover fully within four weeks.

Potential complications

Although most cases of strep throat are successfully treated with antibiotics, complications can arise when the condition is left untreated or keeps coming back. Possible complications include:

Spread of infection

If left untreated, an infection with Streptococcus bacteria can spread to the following areas (causing different infections):

During a strep throat infection, the body's immune system activity is increased in an effort to remove the bacteria. In some cases, this can lead to inflammation in other areas of the body, including the joints, heart, kidney and skin. It gives rise to the following conditions:

Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever refers to widespread inflammation in the body, following an untreated Streptococcus bacterial infection. It usually occurs about 2-4 weeks after the sore throat. In attempting to fight off the bacteria, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the various parts of the body. Commonly, the joints, skin, heart and brain can be affected.

While rheumatic fever leaves no lasting damage to the brain, joints or skin, it can cause permanent damage to the heart, known as rheumatic heart disease (see below).

Rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease is permanent damage to the heart, following rheumatic fever. Various structures of the heart can be damaged by inflammation, including the muscle, lining or valves. It can lead to heart failure and sometimes the need for heart surgery.

Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis

In a similar manner to rheumatic fever, an untreated strep throat infection can lead to the body's immune system damaging the kidneys, which can cause kidney disease. It generally occurs around 1-3 weeks after the sore throat.

Symptoms of post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis usually include blood in the urine, a puffy face and swollen feet and ankles. However, it usually clears on its own within a week, without causing any lasting damage.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever occurs typically in children and has a characteristic rough, red rash that starts on the neck and chest, before it spreads over the body. It is due to a poison released by the bacteria that cause strep throat. It can start as early as 1-2 days after the onset of the sore throat. In the past, scarlet fever was considered to be a serious childhood disease. However, it is now treated with antibiotics.


The outlook for strep throat is good when the condition is correctly diagnosed and treated early with antibiotics. In most cases, the condition clears within about a week of starting treatment.


Strep throat may be prevented by avoiding contact with people who have the condition. If contact cannot be completely avoided, regularly washing your hands and not sharing food, drinks or personal items with infected individuals may reduce the likelihood of developing strep throat.

Teaching children good hygiene habits, such as washing their hands and covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing, can also help to prevent the spread of strep throat.

If you do get strep throat, staying home and keeping children away from organized activities is recommended. Replacing toothbrushes after starting antibiotic treatment can also reduce the possibility of re-infection. Similarly, taking the full course of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor may help to limit further spread of the Streptococcus bacteria.


  1. Cochrane Summaries. [Online]. Available from: link here [Accessed 27th May 2014].
  2. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). [Online]. Available from: link here [Accessed 27th May 2014].
  3. World Health Organization. [Online]. Available from: link here [Accessed 27th May 2014].
  4. Treatment and prevention of streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis | Up to date | Accessed 24th August 2014 from link here
  5. Pharyngitis and/or tonsillitis | eTG complete | Accessed 24th August 2014 from link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is streptococcal sore throat (strep throat)?
Streptococcal sore throat (or strep throat) is an infection of the throat caused by Group A Streptococcal bacteria. Common symptoms include a sore throat, chills, fever, and swollen tonsils and lymph nodes. Although anyone can get strep throat, it is most commonly seen in children aged between 5 and 15.
What are the symptoms of strep throat?
Common symptoms include pain and swelling in the throat, chills, fever, bad breath and swollen lymph nodes.
What causes strep throat?
Strep throat is caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria, which invade the tissues within the throat and cause a localized infection of the throat (pharyngitis) and tonsils (tonsillitis). the bacteria are passed from one person to another via droplets from coughing and sneezing, or by sharing food or drinks. For this reason, strep throat often spreads among members of the same household.
Is strep throat contagious?
Yes, strep throat is usually contagious. It is transmitted via coughing and sneezing which spreads droplets containing the streptococcal bacteria. Once infection occurs from contact with these droplets, most people are contagious until they have completed their course of antibiotics.
How is strep throat diagnosed?
To diagnose strep throat, your doctor may look closely inside your throat, feel your neck, take your temperature and usually perform a throat swab. A throat swab is performed to test for the presence of streptococcus bacteria. During this procedure, the throat and tonsils are gently rubbed with a sterile cotton swab.
Can strep throat be cured?
Most cases of strep throat are cured within a week of starting antibiotic treatment. Over-the-counter pain-relief medications (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen), saltwater gargles, or medicated lozenges may also relieve pain and swelling.
What complications can arise from strep throat?
Although most cases of strep sore throat are successfully treated with antibiotics, complications can arise when the condition is left untreated or keeps returning. Possible complications include spread of the infection, rheumatic fever, kidney disease or scarlet fever.
Are strep throat and tonsillitis the same thing?
Strep throat is usually characterized by pain and swelling in the throat, chills, fever, bad breath and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms are caused by infection of the throat with Streptococcal bacteria. When the tonsils are also infected, the resulting inflammation is referred to as tonsillitis. So although strep throat and tonsillitis are technically different conditions, they can occur together and are often caused by the same infection.
Can strep throat be prevented?
Strep throat may be prevented by avoiding contact with infected people. Teaching children good hygiene habits, such as washing their hands and covering their mouth when coughing or sneezing, can also help to prevent the spread of strep throat. Replacing toothbrushes after starting the antibiotic treatment can reduce the possibility of re-infection.
What is the outlook for strep throat?
The outlook for strep throat is good when the condition is correctly diagnosed and treated early with antibiotics. In most cases, the condition clears within about a week of starting treatment.

Related topics

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection characterised by a rough, red rash that starts on one part of the body and then spreads to other areas. Other symptoms include fever, itchiness, flushing in the face and a red, swollen tongue. Scarlet fever most commonly occurs in children between two and 10 years of age.


Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils caused by infection with a virus or bacteria. The tonsils are two small glands, located at the back of the throat. They help fight infections and stop viruses and bacteria from spreading throughout the body.


Mononucleosis, or glandular fever, is a common disease affecting mainly adolescents and young adults. Also known as the ‘kissing disease’, it is commonly spread through saliva. It causes a fever, tiredness, sore throat and swollen lymph glands. The majority of cases make a good recovery, although it can take several months to improve from the tiredness.


Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin, usually occurring from a break in the skin, such as a cut, sore, scratch or burn. Skin affected by cellulitis quickly becomes red, swollen, hot and tender. Antibiotics may be needed to clear up the infection.

About this article

Title: Strep throat

Author: Lauren Donley BSc (Hons)

First Published: 06 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Strep throat

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