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Tennis elbow

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What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is the persistent pain in the outer side of the elbow. In comparison, Golfer's elbow is the pain on the inside of the elbow.

Tennis elbow is caused by a repetitive injury to a tendon in the elbow, from an overuse of the forearm muscles attached to the tendon. This type of injury can be caused not just by playing tennis but also by other sports or some work-related movements.


Tennis elbow is a type of overuse injury that affects the tendon attached to the extensor muscles in the forearm. The extensor muscles help pull the hand back and aid turning the arm so that the palms face upwards. The tendon for the extensor muscles of the forearm is attached to the outer side of the elbow joint. Repeated overuse of the extensor muscles can cause minor injuries to the tendon (known as tendinopathy). If these injuries are not adequately healed by the body, the tendon damage can accumulate and lead to persistent inflammation and pain.

Tennis elbow is a result of accumulated tendon damage in the forearm. 

Risk factors

Risk factors for tennis elbow include:

  • Overuse of the forearm muscles;
  • Age - most people who experience tennis elbow are 30 to 50 years of age;
  • Incorrect repetitive movements while playing sports such as tennis or golf, and;
  • Work or any activity that requires repetitive use of the forearm muscle, such as painting, plumbing, carpentry or even using a computer mouse.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of tennis elbow include:

Methods for diagnosis

Your doctor will diagnose tennis elbow after performing a physical exam and asking you questions about your pain and activities. Rarely, additional tests such as X-rays or ultrasound may be needed to exclude other causes and/or assess the severity of tendon damage.

Types of treatment

There are numerous treatment options for tennis elbow. Initially, rest and heat or ice packs may provide relief. Other treatments include:

Arm brace

A strap used to apply pressure to the muscles in the forearm can reduce pressure on the injured tendon. Arm braces can be used during sport or work. Wrist splints, which prevent full forearm movement, are not a substitute for arm braces and should be avoided.


Exercises to improve muscle flexibility can improve arm strength and mobility.

Flexibility exercises

While sitting or standing upright, you can hold your arm outstretched and point your fingers down to the ground. Then hold the hand of your injured arm with your other hand, and pull back on it to stretch the forearm muscles. This stretch may be held for 30 seconds, repeated three times and performed daily.

A flexibility exercise. 

Strengthening exercises

A special type of exercise, called eccentric strengthening, can be used once flexibility has improved and no pain is felt when performing them. This exercise involves the use of a weight or elastic band to provide resistance.

To perform this exercise, lie down on a bed. Rest your out-stretched arms on the bed, with your hands hanging over the edge of the bed and the palms facing the floor. From this starting position, use a half-kilogram weight in your hand, then gradually bend your wrist back, then return it to the starting position. This is ideally performed ten times, which is known as a 'set', then repeated for another two sets, with a one-minute rest in between. It is generally advised that these exercises be done every day and the weight increased when the exercise can be done without pain.

Pain-relief medication

Pain-relief medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help manage the pain. If the pain is ongoing, your doctor may suggest injections of corticosteroid anti-inflammatory medication, around the injured tendon.


Surgery is used as a last resort, when other treatment options have failed to alleviate pain after several months. Surgery can include dividing the tendon, removing the damaged area of the tendon and/or repairing the tendon.

Potential complications

Aside from pain, the major complication of tennis elbow is that it impedes your ability to perform physical activities, such as certain sports or types of work.


You may experience pain for several weeks during certain sports or work-related activities. Most people respond to treatment, but some will require rehabilitation with a physiotherapist.


To help prevent tennis elbow:


  1. Elbow tendinopathy (tennis and golf elbow). Accessed 10 July 2014 from link here
  2. Elbow - common causes of pain | Better Health Channel. Accessed 8 October 2014 from link here
  3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) -OrthoInfo - AAOS. Accessed 8 October 2014 from link here

11 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a persistent pain in the outer side of the elbow. It is caused by a repetitive injury to a tendon in the elbow from overuse of the forearm muscles attached to the tendon.
What are the symptoms of tennis elbow?
Signs and symptoms of tennis elbow include: pain in the outer side of the elbow that radiates to the forearm; the pain is worse with moving the wrist back or turning the forearm so that the palm is facing upwards; weakness in the forearm; gradual onset of pain, and; difficulty performing activities that require strength in the arm.
What causes tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow is caused by repetitive injury to a tendon in the elbow, from overuse of the forearm muscles that attach to it. You do not have to be a tennis player to get these injuries; they can be caused by many other sports or work-related injuries.
Who develops tennis elbow?
Risk factors for tennis elbow include: overuse of the forearm muscles; age - most people are 30 to 50 years of age; incorrect repetitive movements during sports such as tennis or golf, and; work or any activity that requires repetitive use of the forearm muscle, such as painting, plumbing, carpentry or even using a computer mouse.
How is tennis elbow diagnosed?
Tennis elbow is diagnosed by your doctor based on your description of pain and symptoms. Further testing, such as X-rays or an ultrasound, may sometimes be needed to exclude other causes and/or to assess the severity of tendon damage.
How is tennis elbow treated?
Initially, rest and heat or ice packs may provide relief from the pain caused by tennis elbow. Other treatments include pain-relief medications and physical exercises to improve flexibility and strength. In severe cases that do not respond to treatment, surgery is considered.
Can tennis elbow be prevented?
To prevent strain in the elbow and forearm, which can result in tennis elbow: remember to take frequent breaks from repetitive movements and to stretch after activity; avoid lifting objects with your arms fully stretched out; use wrist supports during weight training; use ergonomic mouse pads to support your wrist while using a computer mouse; hold heavy tools with both hands, and; adopt proper technique when playing sports such as golf or tennis.
Will tennis elbow keep coming back?
You may experience pain for several weeks during certain sports or work-related activities. Most people respond to treatment, but some will require rehabilitation with a physiotherapist. Always using correct sporting techniques and performing strengthening and flexibility exercises may prevent the tennis elbow from recurring.
What is the outcome for tennis elbow?
With treatment, most cases resolve in several weeks. Surgery may be considered as a last resort for cases that do not respond to treatment after several months.
What increases the chances of developing tennis elbow?
Any activity with repetitive movements of the forearm and wrist can result in tennis elbow. Other factors include being between 30 to 50 years of age and making incorrect repetitive movements.
What can make tennis elbow worse?
Continuing to make incorrect or repetitive movements that place strain on your forearms may make your tennis elbow worse.

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About this article

Title: Tennis elbow

Author: Jonathan Meddings BMedLabSc (Hons)

First Published: 17 Oct 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Tennis elbow

Average rating: 4.0 out of 5 (1556 votes)

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