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Vaginal itching

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What is vaginal itching?

Vaginal itching is an unpleasant sensation experienced by many women. Vaginal itching is one of the most common gynecological complaints. Some women may experience vaginal itching without any other symptoms, while other women may have abnormal vaginal discharge and other symptoms accompanying their itching.

Although vaginal itching is uncomfortable and occasionally painful, it can usually be prevented or treated.


There are many different causes of vaginal itching. Some causes are infectious, while others are non-infectious.

A normal and healthy vagina contains the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, which colonizes the vagina and plays a vital role in the production of acidic vaginal secretions. Maintaining this acidic environment is important, as it makes it more difficult for microbial growth to become excessive. Any changes to the acidity of the vaginal environment can make it more likely for a vaginal infection to set in.

Infectious causes of vaginal itching

Bacterial infection

Bacteria normally live in a healthy vagina in smaller numbers, but when their growth becomes excessive, it can cause a condition called bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is associated with vaginal itching and irritation around the genital area that may be accompanied by abnormal discharge that has a strong odor.

Other bacteria that do not normally live in the vagina can be the cause of vaginal itching. Neisseria gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis are two species of bacteria that can be transmitted sexually and whose infection is associated with symptoms that may include abnormal vaginal discharge, burning, painful urination, pain during sexual intercourse and bleeding between periods.

Yeast infection / thrush

The most common species of yeast associated with vaginal yeast infections is Candida albicans. A yeast infection, also known as thrush or candidiasis, can cause vaginal itching that is usually accompanied pain or a burning sensation during urination and/or sex and an abnormal vaginal discharge.

A yeast infection can cause vaginal itching. 

Parasitic infection

Parasites do not normally live in a healthy vagina, but when they grow in the vagina or genital area, they cause a range of symptoms.

Trichomonas vaginalis is the parasite that causes trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis is an infection that is associated with vaginal itching and may be accompanied by irritation of the genital area, abnormal vaginal discharge and pain during urination.

Scabies is an infection that is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, which are mites that burrow under the skin, sometimes including in the genital area. Scabies can be associated with severe vaginal itching that is sometimes accompanied by a rash with blisters.

Enterobiasis is an infection of parasitic worms that can be spread from the anus area and is associated with severe vaginal itching that is often worse at night.

Viral infection

Viruses do not normally live in a healthy vagina and some sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) can be caused by viruses.

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) can be sexually transmitted and its infection can result in vaginal itching - and often pain - that is accompanied by blisters around the genital area, redness and flu-like symptoms.

The human papillomavirus is usually sexually transmitted and infection may result in genital warts and vaginal itching. Some cancers are associated with infection by certain strains of human papillomavirus and vaccination is an effective means of its prevention.

Non-infectious causes of vaginal itching

Allergic vaginitis/contact dermatitis

The vagina is delicate and can easily be traumatized by the use of aggressive cleaning agents and methods such as vaginal douching (washing out the inside the vagina). Repeated exposure to certain cleaning gels, soaps, tampons or pads may irritate the vagina and cause allergic vaginitis (contact dermatitis), whereas douching can upset the normal balance of microbes in the vagina and lead to yeast or bacterial overgrowth.


Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition. It can affect different areas of the body, but when psoriasis affects the genital area symptoms can include red scaly patches, itchiness and flaking of the skin.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis, or dandruff, in the genital area may be associated with red, greasy skin and vaginal itching.

Vaginal / vulvar dystrophy

Vaginal dystrophy causes changes in the skin or inside the vagina. It presents as white or grey thickened areas of skin. Some causes are conditions such as lichen sclerosus or nutritional deficiencies in iron, folic acid and vitamins B1, B2 and B12.


Antibiotics are used to eliminate harmful bacterial infections, but they also reduce the number of normal and beneficial bacteria that live in the vagina. Yeast that are normally only found in smaller numbers can overproduce and cause unpleasant symptoms. Yeast infections can lead to symptoms of vaginal itching, abnormal discharge and a burning sensation during urination and/or sex.

Poor hygiene

Women of menstruating age may develop a bacterial or yeast infection if they use tampons, but fail to change them regularly. Tampons left in the vaginal canal too long can make it easier for an infection to develop.


Stress can contribute to the development of many health conditions, including vaginal itching.

Wearing tight underwear/clothing

Yeast and bacteria thrive in moist and warm environments. Women who frequently wear overly tight clothing, pantyhose or underwear may be more likely to develop bacterial or yeast vaginal infections.


Poorly-controlled diabetes is associated with fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Vaginal secretions of diabetic women contain higher levels of glucose. Because yeast cells thrive with excess glucose, they are able to multiply, so women with diabetes are more likely to experience yeast infections.

Risk factors

Females of any age can potentially experience vaginal itching, but it is a very common and treatable condition.

Some risk factors of developing vaginal itching may include:

  • Being pregnant;
  • Taking oral contraceptive pills;
  • Being postmenopausal;
  • Taking antibiotics;
  • Having poorly-controlled diabetes;
  • Having multiple sexual partners and not using condoms, and;
  • Being immunocompromised.

Signs and symptoms

Itching may be experienced around the vagina and vulva and may be accompanied by a range of symptoms, depending on the cause. Some common symptoms that may accompany vaginal itching may include:

Methods for diagnosis

The diagnosis of the cause of vaginal itching may involve a physical exam and the doctor taking a detailed medical history and a physical exam. During the examination, a swab may be taken from the vagina. This is used to identify what, if any, microbial growth is present. Depending on the age and sexual history, other testing might be carried out to check for the presence of bacteria that cause gonorrhea and chlamydia, which are sexually transmitted. Based on the symptoms, history and examination, a Pap test may be performed to check for the presence of atypical cells.

Types of treatment

The types of treatment used for vaginal itching vary, depending on its cause.

Treatment for infectious causes of vaginal itching

For vaginal itching that is caused by an infection, the treatment is as follows:

Yeast infection

Yeast infections are usually treated with antifungal agents that come in the form of a tablet or a vaginal pessary.

Bacterial infection

Bacterial infections are usually treated with antibiotics.

Parasitic infection

The treatment for a parasitic infection depends on its type. It may include a course of oral medication or a topical cream.

Treatment for non-infectious causes of vaginal itching

Contact dermatitis and other skin conditions

These are generally treated by avoiding irritants such as soaps, tampons and douching. Topical steroid creams may also be recommended depending on the location and severity.


Following a healthy and balanced diet, getting regular exercise and properly controlling blood glucose levels can reduce the likelihood of getting vaginal yeast infections.

Potential complications

Vaginal itching generally poses no significant complications. However, chlamydia or gonorrhea infections, if left untreated, may progress to pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to other complications including infertility. Rarely, vaginal itching may be associated with a more serious underlying condition such as cancer.


The conditions that cause most cases of vaginal itching respond well to treatment.


Once the cause of your vaginal itching has been identified, there are some strategies that may help prevent its recurrence. Some ways of reducing your risk of experiencing vaginal itching may include:

If you are experiencing vaginal itching it is important to see your doctor to diagnose and treat the cause and to exclude more serious conditions that may be associated with this symptom.


  1. Itching - Treatment - NHS Choices. October 7 2014. link here
  2. Pruritus Vulvae (Vulval Itch) | Health | Patient.co.uk. Accessed August 15 2014. link here
  3. Vaginal Itching - Symptom Checker - Everyday Health. Accessed August 15 2014. link here
  4. Vaginal Itching - Symptoms Causes Treatments - Causes. Accessed August 15 2014. link here
  5. Vaginal Itching and Discharge - Child: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Accessed August 15 2014. link here
  6. Vaginal Itching: Causes Symptoms & Diagnosis. Accessed August 15 2014. link here
  7. What Causes Itchy Vagina Without Discharge? | Med-Health.net. Accessed August 15 2014. link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is vaginal itching?
Vaginal itching is an unpleasant, uncomfortable and occasionally painful sensation experienced by many women.
What are the symptoms of vaginal itching?
Vaginal itching is experienced around the vagina and vulva and may be accompanied by a range of symptoms, depending on the cause. Some common symptoms that may accompany vaginal itching may include: abnormal vaginal discharge that is atypical in color, smell, texture or amount; redness around the affected areas; a burning sensation; pain during urination and/or sexual activity; blisters or warts around the genital area, and; flaky skin around the genital area.
What causes vaginal itching?
There are many different causes of vaginal itching, some of which are infectious, while others are not. Infectious causes are either bacterial, yeast or parasitic. For example, scabies is an infection that is caused by mites that burrow under the skin, sometimes including in the genital area. Scabies cause severe vaginal itching that is sometimes accompanied by a rash with blisters. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) can be sexually transmitted and its infection can result in vaginal itching - and often pain - that is accompanied by blisters around the genital area, redness and flu-like symptoms. Non-infectious causes of vaginal itching include contact dermatitis, which might be the result of using a harsh cleaning soap, vaginal douching, or wearing overly tight clothing. Another cause is psoriasis, which is an inflammatory skin condition that in the genital area can result in red scaly patches, itchiness and flaking of the skin.
Who gets vaginal itching?
Females of any age can potentially experience vaginal itching, but it is a very common and treatable condition. Some risk factors of developing vaginal itching may include: pregnancy, taking oral contraceptive pills, being postmenopausal, taking antibiotics, having poorly-controlled diabetes, having multiple sexual partners and not using condoms, and having a weak immune system.
How is vaginal itching diagnosed?
To find the cause of your vaginal itching, your doctor can take your detailed medical history and conduct a physical exam. During the examination, a swab may be taken from the vagina. This swab is used to help identify what, if any, microbial growth is present.
How is vaginal itching treated?
The treatment for vaginal itching depends on its cause. For vaginal itching that is caused by an infection, the treatment can include antifungal agents, antibiotics, or topical creams. Treatments for non-infectious causes include avoiding irritants, using topical steroid creams, and maintaining a healthy diet to reduce the likelihood of yeast infections.
Can vaginal itching be cured?
Vaginal itching generally does not pose significant complications. However, in women infected with either chlamydia or gonorrhea, their condition, if left untreated, may progress to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can lead to other complications including infertility. Rarely, vaginal itching may be caused by a more serious underlying condition such as cancer.
Can vaginal itching be prevented?
Once the cause of your vaginal itching has been identified, there are some strategies that may help prevent its recurrence. Some ways of reducing your risk of experiencing vaginal itching include: avoiding douching; when going to the bathroom, wiping from front to back to avoid contaminating your vagina with bacteria from fecal matter; choosing underwear made from natural fibers, as synthetic fibers can promote sweating, and; practicing safe sex to reduce the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections. If you are experiencing vaginal itching, it is important to see your doctor to diagnose and treat the cause and to exclude more serious conditions that may be causing this symptom.
Will vaginal itching keep coming back?
Vaginal itching may come back after treatment. There are strategies you can adopted to prevent its recurrence, such as: avoiding douching; when going to the bathroom, wiping from front to back to avoid contaminating your vagina with bacteria from fecal matter; choosing underwear made from natural fibers, as synthetic fibers can promote sweating, and; practicing safe sex to reduce the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections. If you are experiencing vaginal itching, it is important to see your doctor to diagnose and treat the cause and to exclude more serious conditions that may be causing this symptom.
Can vaginal itching be caught from sex?
Yes. Some cases of vaginal itching are caused by sexually-transmitted infections, including gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Related topics

Vaginal discharge

It is normal for women to have some vaginal discharge. The appearance and amount of discharge will vary, according to factors such as ovulation, pregnancy or starting oral contraceptive medication. There are infections such as thrush, chlamydia and gonorrhoea that can also cause changes to vaginal discharge.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when there is an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria normally found in the vagina. It often causes a grey-coloured discharge. Although more common in sexually active women, bacterial vaginosis is not passed on through sexual activity.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID, is the infection of a woman’s reproductive organs and surrounding pelvic tissues. It occurs most commonly when a sexually-transmitted infection spreads beyond the vagina to internal pelvic organs. This can lead to long-term complications if not recognised and treated early.


Candidiasis is a common infection that occurs in the mouth, vagina or nipples when there is an overgrowth in these areas of a particular fungal yeast, called Candida albicans. Other names for candidiasis include thrush, monilia or a yeast infection.

About this article

Title: Vaginal itching

Author: Dr Nikki Wallis PhD, BSc

First Published: 22 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Vaginal itching

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