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Motion sickness

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What is motion sickness?

Motion sickness describes the feelings of dizziness, sickness and nausea that occur when you're travelling in a moving vehicle, such as a car, boat, airplane or train. You may also experience motion sickness from riding on an amusement park ride, playing video games, or watching a 3-D movie. The condition is also sometimes known as travel sickness, car sickness, sea sickness or air sickness.

During motion sickness, balance sensors in the inner ear send signals to the brain that do not match what your eyes are processing. For example, your eyes may see the landscape passing by at high speed, while your balance structures are sensing that you are sitting still. This confusing information is felt as motion sickness.

Although anyone can get motion sickness, it is most common in children between about two and 12 years of age. Women also tend to be more commonly affected than men, while infants and toddlers are usually resistant.


The brain receives signals about motion and balance from three main areas: the eyes, inner ears and muscles. Motion sickness occurs when unusual movements send conflicting signals to your brain. For example, some unusual movements that may occur during car travel could include winding through the mountains, passing over a bumpy surface or driving in circles.

Of the three areas that are responsible for sensing motion, the structures of the inner ear are thought to be the most important. The inner ear contains three fluid-filled tubes arranged at different angles, known as the semicircular canals.

As the head moves, fluid flows through the semicircular canals, sending information to the brain about the speed, direction and distance of the movement. Together, these structures in the inner ear make up the body's balance center, known as the vestibular system.

If you are sitting still during a journey, information on this lack of movement is sent to the brain by your inner ear and muscles. In contrast, your eyes are signaling that you're travelling at speed. These mixed messages trigger the symptoms of motion sickness.

In some cases, motion sickness may also develop from playing video games, watching a 3-D movie, or any other activities that also send misleading signals to your brain.

The flow of fluid inside the semicircular canals of the inner ear transmits information about the body's movements to the brain. 

Risk factors

Some factors that may increase your chances of developing motion sickness include:

  • Age - being a child aged between about 2-12 years old;
  • Sex - being a woman, particularly during pregnancy or menstruation;
  • Poor ventilation, particularly when there are also strong fumes or food smells;
  • High levels of stress, fear or anxiety;
  • Being prone to migraines, and;
  • Taking medications that increase nausea, such as certain contraceptives, antidepressants, antibiotics or opiates.

Signs and symptoms

Common symptoms of motion sickness include:

In most cases, these symptoms pass after motion has stopped. However, in a small number of cases, dizziness and nausea may continue after a journey has ended.

Methods for diagnosis

As motion sickness usually only develops under particular circumstances, many people visit their doctor for advice on preventing motion sickness, rather than while symptoms are occurring. For this reason, your doctor will usually make a diagnosis by asking about symptoms after the event.

Types of treatment

Some people may build up a tolerance to motion sickness over the course of a long journey or after repeated trips in a car, boat, airplane or train. Eventually, symptoms may not develop at all. Similarly, children who experience motion sickness frequently while they are young, may outgrow it during their teenage years. However, short-term treatment options include:

Self care

To relieve the symptoms of motion sickness, you may find it helpful to try one or more of the following options during travel:

Symptoms of motion sickness may be relieved by keeping still, listening to calming music and avoiding alcohol. 

Alternative therapies

The most well-known alternative therapies for motion sickness are acupressure wrist bands and ginger, often taken either as a biscuit, tea or supplement. These options may provide relief for some people, but research into their effectiveness has shown mixed results.


Motion sickness slows down digestion, which can prevent the body from absorbing medications effectively. For this reason, medications for motion sickness are usually taken before travel to prevent symptoms, rather than as a treatment. The options include:


Hyoscine is thought to prevent motion sickness by blocking some of the confusing signals sent from the inner ear to the brain. It is available in oral tablet form without a prescription. Side effects of taking hyoscine may include a dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness and blurred vision. For these reasons, hyoscine is not a suitable treatment if you are planning to drive for part of a journey.


Although antihistamines are perhaps most widely known as a treatment for allergies, these medications may also help to prevent nausea and vomiting. Common antihistamines prescribed for motion sickness include promethazine and dimenhydrinate.

As these antihistamines cause drowsiness as a side effect, they are also sometimes referred to as 'sedating' antihistamines. In general, they tend to be less effective than hyoscine, but with fewer side effects.

Potential complications

In severe cases of motion sickness, extended bouts of vomiting can lead to dehydration and low blood pressure, particularly in children. However, it is uncommon for motion sickness to progress to this stage.


Although motion sickness may be unpleasant, it usually fades after the movement has stopped. There are also several ways to treat and prevent the condition, involving behavioral modifications, medications, or a combination of both.


To prevent motion sickness, you may find it useful to sit in the front seat or be the driver when travelling by car. Similarly, sitting on the upper deck of a boat, facing forward on a train or over the wing of a plane may limit the confusing signals sent to your brain. Eating and drinking as little as possible and avoiding alcohol or strong smells during travel is also recommended.

In some people, keeping the head still, lying down flat or keeping the eyes closed while moving, may prevent or reduce symptoms. Other activities that may help you to relax include listening to calming music, doing controlled breathing exercises or opening a window for fresh air and maintaining a comfortable body temperature.


  1. Motion Sickness - Chapter 2 - 2014 Yellow Book | Travelers Health | CDC. Accessed 21 July 2014 from link here
  2. Motion sickness - NHS Choices. Accessed 21 July 2014 from link here
  3. Motion sickness | Better Health Channel. Accessed 21 July 2014 from link here
  4. Motion sickness | NPS MedicineWise. Accessed 21 July 2014 from link here
  5. Motion Sickness: Motion Sickness: Merck Manual Professional. Accessed 21 July 2014 from link here
  6. Preventing motion sickness in children - Australian Prescriber. Accessed 21 July 2014 from link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is motion sickness?
Motion sickness describes feelings of dizziness, sickness and nausea that occur while travelling in a moving vehicle, such as a car, boat, airplane or train. It may occur from riding on an amusement park ride, playing video games or watching a 3D movie. The condition is also sometimes known as travel, car, sea or air sickness.
What are the symptoms of motion sickness?
The most common symptoms of motion sickness are dizziness, sickness and nausea. However, other symptoms may include vomiting, sweating, headache, tiredness and loss of color in the face. In most cases, these symptoms fade after motion has stopped. However, in a small number of cases dizziness and nausea may continue after the journey has ended.
What causes motion sickness?
During motion sickness, balance sensors in your inner ear and muscles send signals to the brain that don't match what your eyes are processing. For example, your eyes may see the landscape passing by at high speed, while your balance structures are sensing that you are sitting still. This confusing information is felt as motion sickness.
Who gets motion sickness?
Although anyone can get motion sickness, it is most common in children aged between about 2 and 12 years old. Women also tend to be more commonly affected than men, while infants and toddlers are usually resistant.
How is motion sickness diagnosed?
As motion sickness usually only develops under particular circumstances, many people visit their doctor for advice on preventing motion sickness, rather than while symptoms are occurring. For this reason, your doctor will usually make a diagnosis by asking about symptoms after the event.
How is motion sickness treated?
Modifying behavior during travel may help to reduce the severity of symptoms. Some options include keeping the head still, focusing on objects in the distance, opening a window, listening to calming music and practicing controlled breathing. Medications may also be taken before travel to help prevent symptoms from developing in the first place.
Will motion sickness clear on its own?
In most cases, the symptoms of motion sickness will fade after movement has stopped. However, in a small number of cases, dizziness and nausea may continue after the journey has ended. Children who experience motion sickness frequently while they are young may outgrow it during their teenage years.
Can motion sickness be prevented?
To prevent motion sickness, it may be useful to sit in the front seat or be the driver when travelling by car. Similarly, sitting on the upper deck of a boat, facing forward on a train or over the wing of a plane may help. Eating and drinking as little as possible and avoiding alcohol, strong smells or smoke during travel is usually recommended. In some people, listening to calming music, lying down flat, or keeping the eyes closed while moving may prevent symptoms.
What is the outlook for motion sickness?
Although motion sickness may be unpleasant, for most people it usually fades after the movement has stopped. There are also several ways to treat and prevent the condition, involving behavioral modifications, medications, or a combination of both.
Are there any alternative therapies available for motion sickness?
The most well-known alternative therapies for motion sickness are acupressure wrist bands and ginger, often taken either as a biscuit, tea or supplement. These options may provide relief for some, but research into effectiveness of these treatments has shown mixed results.

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About this article

Title: Motion sickness

Author: Lauren Donley BSc (Hons)

First Published: 10 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Motion sickness

Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 (1555 votes)

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