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What are phobias?

Fear is a normal human response to a situation or object. Normal fear serves to protect us: it activates our 'fight or flight' response, primes us to be ready for action and allows us to act quickly to protect ourselves.

A phobia is when someone experiences a disproportionate or unrealistic sense of danger. For example, a normal fear may be feeling nervous when you see a dog on the street, whereas a phobia would be avoiding walking through a park in case you see a dog.

A phobia is classified as a type of anxiety disorder. It is estimated that around 10% of the general population may experience a phobia during their lifetime. [1 ]

Phobias are a common mental health condition and can be severely debilitating if left untreated. [1] The severity of phobias can vary widely between people. The more severe forms of phobias may lead to crippling anxiety, and lead a person to reorganize their life in order to avoid the object or situation that causes their anxiety.

People can potentially develop phobias to anything, with some of the more common phobias being a fear of driving on a freeway, heights, public speaking, needles and spiders.

Phobias can be classified into five main categories:

It is not necessary to be in the situation that is the source of the fear in order to experience the symptoms, as the brain is able to react to a frightening situation without needing to actually be in the situation. However, when actually exposed to the frightening situation, the fear is automatic and overwhelming.

Phobias tend to first appear during childhood, but some people may not develop them until they are adults. Children in particular tend to develop strong fears at certain ages, but they are fears they will usually grow out of and are not classified as phobias.

Common fears that children develop between the ages of:


There is no single factor that causes phobias to develop. Instead, it is thought that they are caused by a complex interaction between genetics and environment. Children who have parents or siblings with an anxiety disorder are more likely to develop a phobia, while other children with a phobia may have learned this maladaptive response through a parent with an anxiety disorder.

Traumatic or distressing events can also trigger a phobia, such as nearly drowning, being attacked by an animal or being trapped in a confined space.

Current research has indicated that serotonin levels may be abnormal in people with phobias. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is involved in mood stabilization - abnormal levels are associated with anxiety or depression.

Risk factors

  • Family history of anxiety disorders;
  • Being female - females are twice as likely to develop phobias than men;
  • Experiencing a traumatic event, and;
  • Having a history of panic attacks.


Phobias can be either simple/specific or complex.

Specific phobias

A specific phobia centers on a specific object, situation, animal or activity. It often develops during childhood or in adolescence, but may ease with increasing age.

Common examples include:

Complex phobias

Complex phobias are generally more severe and disabling than specific phobias. They typically develop in adults and usually involve a crippling fear of a specific circumstance or situation.

Common examples are agoraphobia and social phobia.


People with agoraphobia experience anxiety that is brought on by being in a place where it may be too difficult to escape if they experience a panic attack. Their anxiety is so severe that it often results in them totally avoiding the situation. Common situations may include travelling on public transport, flying, crowded places or, conversely, being alone.

Social phobia

Someone with social phobia, or social anxiety disorder, suffers from severe anxiety when they encounter a social situation. A social phobia makes someone exceedingly embarrassed to speak in front of others, as they are fearful of humiliation. The phobia may be so severe that they find it too difficult to carry out seemingly simple activities such as meeting up with friends or dining out.

Signs and symptoms

The severity of symptoms may vary widely between people. There can be either physical and psychological symptoms, or a mixture of the two.

Some of the more typical physical symptoms include:

Some of the more typical psychological symptoms include the fear of:

There may also be a feeling of impending dread and an intense need to escape.

For most phobias, there is typically a fear of fainting. However, fainting does not generally happen. The exception are people who experience blood-injection-injury phobia. When someone with this phobia is confronted by the sight of blood or a needle, they may experience disgust and fear and their initial response is anxiety accompanied by a racing heart rate. This sudden increase in heart rate is followed by a quick drop in blood pressure that results in nausea, dizziness and fainting.

Methods for diagnosis

There are no specific laboratory tests used to diagnose a phobia. Instead, diagnosis is based on taking a detailed history and following clinical guidelines.

Some of the criteria of phobias include:

Types of treatment

The goal of treatment is to diminish the anxiety and help to manage reactions to the stimulus.

Simple phobias can be readily treated with exposure therapy: progressive exposure to the object, place, animal or situation that trigger your fear. Complex phobias may take longer and involve cognitive behavior therapy, counselling and in some cases, medication.

Cognitive behavior therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) forms a core component of treatment of phobias and includes exposure treatment. A therapist will guide you through developing strategies for thinking and behaving in ways that will help you cope with the phobia and reduce your emotional distress.

There can be different combinations of exposure therapy and behavioral therapy to treat specific phobias.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy involves facing your fears, gradually and repeatedly. During the exposure, you ride out the anxiety and fear until it all passes. Over repeated exposures, you gradually internalize the fact that the worst-case scenario is not actually going to happen, nor will you die or fail to cope. With each exposure comes increased confidence and control over the phobia and it loses its power.

As an example, to treat a phobia of dogs, the following stages may be worked through during exposure therapy:

Relaxation techniques

To ease anxiety, panic and fear, relaxation techniques may be used before and during exposure to a stimulus. These techniques may include deep breathing, meditation and muscle relaxation. With regular practice, these techniques can help to improve your control over physical symptoms and enable more effective anxiety control.


Medication is not typically used for treatment of phobias, but some people with severe forms of anxiety may be prescribed medication to help them cope with their condition.

Typical medications may include:

Potential complications

Potential complications of living with phobias include:


If left untreated, phobias tend to be lifelong. When treated, phobias have an excellent prognosis, especially with exposure-based treatment.


Although there is no known prevention, children typically learn coping skills from their parents. As a parent, you may reduce the likelihood of passing these fears on to your children by dealing with your own fears.


  1. Kessler, R. C., Berglund, P., Demler, O. et. al., (2005) Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National comorbidity survey replication.” Archives of General Psychiatry 62:593–602. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.62.6.593.

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is a phobia?
A phobia is an exaggerated fearful response to a situation, object or activity. A phobia is associated with severe anxiety.
What are the symptoms of phobias?
Some of the more typical symptoms of phobias include: nausea; sweating; rapid heart rate; dizziness; panic; fear of fainting; a feeling of dread, and; an overwhelming need to escape.
What causes phobias?
There is no single factor that causes phobias to develop, but they are thought to be due to an interaction between genetics and the environment.
Will phobias clear on their own?
Some simple phobias may become less disabling with age; however, many phobias will be lifelong unless properly treated.
Can phobias be prevented?
There is no known prevention for phobias, although children typically learn their coping skills from their parents. If parents demonstrate effective coping skills, their children are less likely to develop phobias.
What is the outlook for phobias?
With proper treatment, especially exposure therapy, there is an excellent prognosis for phobias.
Are phobias serious?
Although they can be debilitating, most phobias will not cause long-term problems if proper medical treatment is sought.
What increases the chances of developing a phobia?
1. Being female (females are twice as likely as males to develop phobias); 2. Having a family history of phobias, and; 3. Having a history of panic attacks.
How common are phobias?
Phobias are among the most common mental health conditions and are estimated to affect about one in 10 people.
What factors can trigger phobias?
Phobias can be triggered by experiencing a traumatic event, such as nearly drowning, being stuck in a confined space, being attacked by an animal or bitten by an insect.

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About this article

Title: Phobias

Author: Dr Idan Ben-Barak PhD, MSc, BSc (Med)

First Published: 17 Jul 2015

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Phobias

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