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Anger management

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What is anger management?

Anger management involves steps and processes that can help you to manage and reduce your anger. This can involve changing the way you think about certain things that make you angry and changing the ways you react to anger to be constructive, rather than destructive or counterproductive.

What is anger?

Anger is a normal emotion that everyone feels at some point in their life. It can range from a mild annoyance or frustration to extreme rage. Anger has three main components, which are cognitive, physical and behavioral changes:

Anger has three main components: cognitive, physical and behavioral. 

Health problems associated with anger

The physical effects of anger can be harmful to your body. When you are angry, your body initiates a 'fight or flight' response, which involves your adrenal glands flooding the body with stress-related hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. This leads to an increase in breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. Over time, a continuous flow of stress chemicals places pressure on your body that can lead to short and long-term health problems. These can include:

Types of anger

Anger can be expressed in many different ways, but there are two main types of anger:

Anger repression

Anger repression is also known as 'bottling your anger up'. This is not a healthy way of dealing with anger as it can lead to anxiety and depression. You may feel that anger is an inappropriate or bad behavior, but bottling it up can later lead to venting on innocent people, such as children. It is important to deal with your anger and not hold it inside.

Anger explosions

Anger explosions are the opposite of anger repression and can be experienced by people with a 'hot temper' or a 'short fuse'. These include fits of rage involving yelling and screaming and can also lead to physical violence or abuse. Anger explosions can occur if you have little or no control over your anger. Some people who have anger explosions also have low self-esteem and use anger as a way to feel powerful.

Anger management techniques

It is important to understand that anger is a normal emotion that you may feel when you have been mistreated or wronged. It can cause you to act in ways that can be harmful to yourself or others, but the good news is, there are many ways to better manage your anger.

Identifying the cause of anger

If you are experiencing anger, one of the most important steps in anger management is identifying what is causing it and addressing it. Sometimes anger can be caused by arguments, stress, or a threat to your self-image or your loved ones. Other causes include hurtful or unexpected situations, 'road rage', or an injustice to certain people. It may help to keep a diary of when you have become angry and then try to understand what the cause is.

Dealing with arguments

Arguments are a common cause of anger. If arguments are not dealt with, they can become worse or uncomfortable. It is important to find solutions and resolve conflicts to prevent anger from increasing. If you have become angry with someone, it can help by talking to the person at a later date and communicating honestly and openly about your feelings. Apologies are also often welcomed.

Thinking differently

If you are angry, it can make your thoughts illogical and exaggerated. Changing the way you think when you get angry can help to manage it. This can involve:


It is common to jump to conclusions when angry, which can cause you to say and do things you will later regret. It is important to slow down when feeling angry. Some simple relaxation techniques, including breathing deeply and repeating calming words such as 'relax' or 'calm down', can help with this. It may also help to imagine or remember a happy or relaxing experience. Listening to relaxing music or doing yoga or meditation can also make you feel calmer. With practice, relaxation becomes easier; if possible, it is best to give yourself some 'time out' each day to practice relaxation.

Regular exercise

Stress is commonly associated with anger. Regular exercise can help you de-stress, so going for a run or a bike ride is great for your mental health. Exercise can improve your mood and lower stress levels by increasing the amount of mood-regulating neurotransmitters, including endorphins.

Problem solving

If you have identified a certain cause of anger, you may be able to express your anger in a positive way. For example, if you commonly experience road rage on your commute to work, set yourself a challenge to find an alternative route. This could be a more scenic route and gives you a chance to 'start fresh' without letting road rage get to you. You can also look into public transport options such as a bus or train. Another example is using your energy to volunteer for a good cause that shares your belief about a certain injustice.

Preventing anger

To prevent anger, it can help to identify situations or people that make you feel angry and avoid them. It is also good to let go of the past, not hold any grudges and resolve arguments where possible. If you are experiencing a continuing anger problem, it can help to visit your doctor or a counsellor to help resolve any anger issues.


  1. Anger - How It Affects People | Better Health Channel. Accessed September 5 2014. link here
  2. Anger - Tips to Resolve Arguments | Better Health Channel. Accessed September 5 2014. link here
  3. Anger Management: 10 Tips to Tame Your Temper - Mayo Clinic. Accessed September 5 2014. link here
  4. Kids Helpline - Respectful Relationships. Accessed September 5 2014. link here

8 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is anger management?
Anger management is the name for the steps and processes that can help to manage and reduce your anger. This can involve altering the way you think about certain things that make you angry, and changing the ways you deal with anger to achieve constructive rather than counterproductive results.
What is anger?
Anger is a normal emotion that everyone feels at some point in their life. It can range from a mild annoyance or frustration to extreme rage. Anger has three main components: cognitive, physical and behavioral changes. Cognitive changes involve how we think about or perceive certain occurrences. For example, you may think that something has happened to you that is unfair, undeserved or wrong; Physical changes include a rush of adrenaline, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and a stiffening of muscles in response to what has occurred, and; Behavioral changes include how you respond to anger. This can involve looking and sounding angry by raising your voice, yelling or turning red. Other changes can include becoming physically violent, not talking, or storming away.
How does anger harm your body?
The physical effects of anger can be harmful to your body. When you are angry, your body initiates a 'fight or flight' response, which involves your adrenal glands flooding the body with stress-related hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. This leads to an increase in breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. Over time, the continuous flow of stress chemicals and pressure that is placed on your body can lead to short and long-term health problems. These can include headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.
Are there different types of anger?
Anger can be expressed in many different ways, but there are two main types of anger: anger repression, which is also known as bottling your anger up, and anger explosions, which include fits of rage involving yelling and screaming and can also lead to physical violence or abuse.
What causes anger?
Anger can be caused by many different things. Sometimes anger can be caused by arguments, stress, or a threat to your self-image or your loved ones. Other sources include hurtful or unexpected situations, 'road rage' or an injustice to certain people.
How do I manage anger that is caused by an argument?
Arguments are a common cause of anger. If arguments are not dealt with, they can become worse or uncomfortable. It is important to find solutions and resolve conflicts to prevent anger from increasing. If you have become angry with someone, it can help by talking to the person at a later date and communicating honestly and openly about your feelings.
How do I manage anger that is caused by stress?
Stress is commonly associated with anger. Regular exercise can help you de-stress, so going for a run or a bike ride can do wonders for your mental health. Exercise can improve your mood and lower stress levels by increasing the amount of mood-regulating neurotransmitters, including endorphins.
Can relaxation techniques help in anger management?
Some simple relaxation techniques including breathing deeply and repeating calming words such as 'relax' or 'calm down' can help with anger management. It may also help to imagine or remember a happy or relaxing experience. Listening to relaxing music or doing yoga or meditation can also make you feel calmer. With practice, relaxation becomes easier. If possible, it is best to give yourself some time out of each day to practice relaxation.

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About this article

Title: Anger management

Author: Dr Bow Tauro PhD, BSc (Hons)

First Published: 07 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Anger management

Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 (1556 votes)

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