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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

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What is premenstrual syndrome?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) describes a range of physical and psychological symptoms that can occur in the two weeks before a woman has her period (also known as menstruation).

Most women experience some level of symptoms due to PMS in the two weeks before their period begins. Symptoms generally improve within a day or so of a period starting.

While PMS symptoms are generally relatively mild and manageable, for some women they can be severe to the point where they cause distress and disrupt normal activities.

Signs and symptoms

PMS can have a wide range of symptoms.

Physical symptoms of PMS can include:

Psychological symptoms can include:


A menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days, although it can be longer or shorter in different women and vary with each cycle. Control of the menstrual cycle is complex, involving a range of glands and hormones.

In every cycle, about two weeks before the period begins, an egg (ovum) is released from the ovaries. This is called ovulation. Following ovulation, the ovaries release hormones called progesterone and estrogen. These help to prepare and maintain the lining of the uterus so an egg can attach to it if it is fertilized.

If a pregnancy doesn't occur and an egg does not attach, the hormone levels reduce. The uterus sheds its lining and the period begins.

The cause of PMS has not been clearly established. Some research suggests that the changes in levels of female sex hormone levels (such as estrogen and progesterone) are much the same in women who experience significant levels of PMS symptoms and those that don't. It may be that women who experience greater levels of symptoms are more sensitive to changes in hormone levels.

The menstrual cycle. 

Risk factors

PMS may be more common in women who:

  • Are between their late 20s and late 40s. Symptoms can tend to be worse in the years just before menopause;
  • Have had one or more children;
  • Have a history of depression or postnatal depression (antenatal depression), and;
  • Have family members who have had depression.

Lifestyle factors may also contribute to various symptoms experienced with PMS.

For example:

  • Eating foods high in salt may promote fluid retention and bloating;
  • Consuming a lot of caffeine or alcohol may worsen symptoms such as fatigue, and;
  • Stress may worsen a range of physical and psychological symptoms in PMS.


Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of PMS. Around 8% of all women are affected by PMDD [1] .

While the symptoms in PMDD are similar to PMS, they tend to:

In severe cases of PMDD, some women may experience suicidal thoughts. If you or someone else is in immediate danger of suicide, you can call 911.

Other ways of finding help include:

Methods for diagnosis

There is no single test for PMS. Diagnosis is made slightly more complex because:

Your doctor will ask questions about your medical history, your mental health history and your symptoms. You may be asked to keep a diary in which you record your symptoms for a number of months, so that it can be clearly established that your symptoms are worse in the couple of weeks before your period.

Other tests may include:

Your doctor may refer you to a mental health specialist for assessment.

Types of treatment

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, a number of approaches to treating PMS may be recommended.

Lifestyle changes

If your PMS symptoms are mild, they may be alleviated or managed by a range of lifestyle measures.


There are a number of dietary changes you can make to help reduce PMS symptoms:


If you are unable to get sufficient calcium through the foods you consume, your doctor may recommend a calcium supplement.

Pyroxidine (vitamin B6) and magnesium may be of some benefit for some women with PMS. Your doctor can discuss whether supplements are suitable for you.

Physical activity

Regular physical activity can help to reduce stress and improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Thirty minutes a day of moderately vigorous exercise (such as walking, cycling or swimming) can offer a range of health benefits.

Physical activity can alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. 

Complementary therapies

A range of complementary therapies may be helpful for some women in reducing stress, which can worsen symptoms of PMS. Examples include meditation and self-hypnosis.

There is evidence that a herb called vitex agnus castus (also known as chasteberry) may be helpful in reducing symptoms of PMS. A range of other dietary supplements have been suggested for relieving PMS, including evening primrose oil, black cohosh and ginkgo biloba. Evidence does not show that these are effective. Herbal supplements can also interact with other medications, so it is important to discuss them with your doctor before you start herbal medications.

Psychological therapies

Psychological therapy is sometimes referred to as 'talking therapy' and describes the process of treating mental health problems by helping people to understand their condition and manage their symptoms.

Therapies such as cognitive behavior therapy may be helpful for women with PMS or PMDD to alleviate anxiety, depression and stress.


If lifestyle and other measures cannot alleviate the symptoms of PMS effectively, medications may be recommended.


Antidepressants are the most common medications prescribed for PMS. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine and sertraline have been found to be effective in treating symptoms of PMS and PMDD. They increase levels of serotonin, a chemical messenger in the brain that helps to elevate mood. SSRIs may be taken every day, or they may be taken only during the two weeks of the menstrual cycle when symptoms occur.

Other antidepressant medications may be recommended if SSRIs are not effective.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives, such as the Pill, can stop ovulation and improve some symptoms of PMS for some women, although they are not effective for everyone and can also cause side effects that are similar to PMS, such as depression and breast tenderness.

Contraceptive medications are taken every day. They generally have an active version (taken for 21 days) and an inactive version (taken for seven days) so that you have a period.

Oral contraceptives also prevent pregnancy and it is important to take them as recommended by your doctor or they may not be fully effective.

Oral contraceptives can improve some symptoms of PMS. 

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues

These medications stop ovulation and stop the ovaries from producing estrogen and progesterone. They effectively create an artificial and temporary menopause and can cause menopause-like symptoms such as vaginal dryness and hot flushes.

GnRH analogues are delivered by injections and are generally only recommended if all other treatments are not effective. You may also be recommended hormone replacement therapy (HRT) if you are using these medications on an extended basis.


Most women can manage symptoms of PMS with lifestyle measures. For severe symptoms, medications can help. Symptoms of PMS generally improve after menopause.


The lifestyle measures listed above may help to prevent some PMS symptoms.


  1. Premenstrual conditions. The Royal Women’s Hospital. Accessed 18 August 2014 from link here
  2. Calcium | Better Health Channel. Accessed August 19 2014. link here
  3. Menstrual Cycle | Better Health Channel. Accessed August 22 2014. link here
  4. Premenstrual Conditions | The Royal Womens Hospital. Accessed August 18 2014. link here
  5. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health. Accessed August 18 2014. link here
  6. Premenstrual Syndrome - NHS Choices. Accessed August 18 2014. link here
  7. Premenstrual Syndrome - Obstetric and Gynaecological Drugs. Accessed August 18 2014. link here
  8. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) | Better Health Channel. Accessed August 18 2014. link here
  9. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Accessed August 18 2014. link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is PMS (premenstrual syndrome)?
PMS (premenstrual syndrome) describes a range of physical and psychological symptoms that can occur in the two weeks before a woman menstruates (has her period).
What are the symptoms of PMS?
PMS has a wide range of symptoms and different women are affected differently. Symptoms include physical changes such as bloating, digestive problems and tenderness of the breasts and psychological symptoms such as mood swings, depression, anxiety and irritability.
What causes PMS?
The cause of PMS is unclear; however, it is linked to increased levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the two weeks before a woman's period.
Who gets PMS?
Most women of child-bearing age experience some symptoms of PMS; however, they are usually relatively mild and manageable. Around 8% of women experience a more severe form of PMS known as premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD).
How is PMS diagnosed?
There is no single test for PMS. Your doctor will take into account your symptoms and your medical and mental health history. A physical examination including a pelvic exam may be recommended, as well as other tests (such as blood tests) to help rule out other causes of the symptoms.
How is PMS treated?
PMS symptoms may be treated with lifestyle measures such as diet and regular physical activity, psychological therapy and medication such as antidepressants and hormonal medications (such as the contraceptive pill).
Can PMS be prevented?
For some women, some symptoms of PMS can be reduced by lifestyle measures such as a healthy diet, regular exercise and managing stress.
Will PMS keep returning?
Symptoms of PMS tend to occur in the two weeks before your period and then improve within a couple of days of the period starting. PMS symptoms tend to get better after menopause, although they can get worse in the last few years before menopause.
Are there different types of PMS?
While most women experience some symptoms of PMS, around 8% of women are affected by a more severe form of the condition called premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD). In PMDD the symptoms are much more disruptive and distressing and can include depression and suicidal thoughts.
How common is PMS?
Almost all women experience some symptoms of PMS. A small percentage of women (around 8%) experience a much more serious form of the condition called premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD).

Related topics

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder occurs when a woman experiences severe psychological and physical symptoms before menstruation. The symptoms experienced are more severe than those of premenstrual syndrome.


Menopause occurs when a woman has her last menstrual period. This commonly occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years and is a result of the ovaries stopping the release of eggs in preparation for pregnancy.


A period occurs as part of a woman’s normal menstrual cycle, first starting between the ages of eight and 16 and continuing until menopause. An average menstrual cycle is 28 days. During a period, the uterus sheds its inner lining and this passes out through the vagina, with bleeding usually lasting two to seven days. Periods may be accompanied by period pain, menstrual headaches or migraines.


Endometriosis is a condition that affects many women. It can cause severe gripping pain in the lower abdomen and back, especially during a woman’s period. It is caused by cells that normally line the womb growing elsewhere, such as on the ovaries, in the pelvis or abdomen. However, there are numerous treatment options available to control the condition.

About this article

Title: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Author: Kellie Heywood

First Published: 23 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

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