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Safe handling of medications

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What is safe handling of medications?

Medications are meant to make you well but, if they are not used appropriately, they can make you very sick. Medication safety is the correct storage, administration, and disposal of all medicines, to prevent inadvertent outcomes.

Why is medication safety important?

Taking medications can be an important part of recovering from or managing many medical conditions. However, if you do not take them correctly:

Understanding the medications you take and communicating clearly with your health professionals are important steps in using medications safely.

All medications should be taken correctly to reduce side-effects. 

Medications and active ingredients

Most medications are known by two names:

An active ingredient is what causes the effect of the medication and is the reason you take it. Medications may have a range of ingredients, but they always have one or more active ingredients.

The strength of the medication is how much of the active ingredient is in the medication (in each tablet or capsule). The name and concentration of the active ingredient is always listed on the packaging of the medication.

Medication details are always listed on the packet. 

The dose of the active ingredient is very important. If you take too little of the active ingredient, the medication may not be effective and you may remain unwell. If you take too much, the medication may be toxic or cause unwanted side effects.

For prescription medications, your health professional will prescribe a dose, as well as how often you need to take the medication and for how long. For over-the-counter medications, which do not require a prescription, the packaging will list recommendations about how much of the medication you can take and how often.

It is important to follow these instructions so that you get the right dose for the right amount of time.

Medications and side effects

A medication is generally prescribed to have a specific effect in the body. Side effects are unwanted or unintended effects that also occur. Side effects can range from something that is so minor it is hardly noticeable, to something life-threatening. All medications can cause side effects, but not all people who take them will necessarily experience them.

You can always discuss potential side effects of any medications with your healthcare professionals, particularly your doctor and your pharmacist. They can tell you about:

In some cases when you take medications, you may need to avoid certain activities. For example, some medications may cause drowsiness and you may be advised not to drive or operate certain equipment while taking them.

All prescription (and some non-prescription) medications have consumer medicine information (CMI), which lists the most common and important side effects.

Medication interactions

A medication interaction occurs when the effect of a medication is changed in your body because of its reaction with another medication, food, alcohol, complementary medicine or herb, or illicit drug.

This can occur because the interfering substance:

A medication interaction can mean that your medication may not be as effective as it should be, or that you may experience unwanted or dangerous side effects.

It is important to remember that it is not just other prescription medications that can interfere with the way your medication works. Medications and foods can interact in many different ways. Complementary medicines can also interact with prescription medications.

An example is St John's Wort (also known as Hypericum perforatum), a complementary medicine sometimes suggested to help relieve symptoms of depression. It has been shown to interact with a wide range of medications. Examples of medications that can be less effective when taken at the same time as St John's Wort include:

St John's Wort can also increase the risk of side effects with:

To reduce your risk of experiencing medication interactions, you can:

Taking multiple medications

If you take multiple medications, it can be more difficult to keep track of what you are taking, but it is very important to do so.

In some cases, health professionals prescribe different medications in combination, specifically so they can work together. If you do not take them as prescribed, it may mean your treatment is less effective, or you may experience serious side effects.

You can help to manage medications by:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy is a time when women may need to be particularly careful about the medications they take. This includes non-prescription and complementary medicines.

Medications can cause problems during pregnancy when they:

Some medications can also pass from the mother to baby via breastfeeding.

Many medications can be taken safely during pregnancy and when breastfeeding. In some cases, pregnant or breastfeeding women may have serious medical conditions that need to be treated so that they and their babies stay well. Your doctor can discuss medication options and any risks they may pose. In some cases, alternative medications or different doses may be recommended.

Many medications can be used safely whilst breastfeeding. 

Following instructions with medications

For medications to be effective, you may need to follow special instructions when taking them, so make sure you're clear about any instructions your health professional gives you.

For medications taken in oral form:

Some medications may require special applicators or procedures in order to be effective. For example, many asthma medications require the use of inhalers and, in some cases, spacers, in order to deliver the medication correctly into the lungs. People who need to use eye drops may need to follow special procedures to make sure the eye drops remain in the eyes and do not drain away into the nasal passages.

Many asthma medications are delivered into lungs via an inhaler. 

If you are at all unclear on how to take your medications, you can ask your doctor or pharmacist. Even if you have been taking them for a long time, it is easy to forget exactly how you should be doing it. Having a quick refresher on what you need to do can help ensure your medications are as effective as possible.

It is also important to follow your doctor's instructions on how long you should take your medications.

Stopping medications early or suddenly can:

If you are concerned about taking a medication in any way, you can always discuss it with your doctor. In some cases, they may be able to recommend an alternative medication or treatment and give you guidance on how to most safely stop taking medications.

Taking out-of-date medications, or medications prescribed for someone else, can lead to serious health problems.

Storing and disposing of medications safely

Some medications can deteriorate if not stored correctly.

To make sure your medications are as effective as possible:

It is also important to store medications securely, ideally in a high, locked cupboard to prevent children from accidentally taking them. Even if you do not have children living in your house, children may visit you and gain access to medications from places such as handbags or kitchen shelving. If you have out-of-date medications or medications you no longer need, you can safely dispose of them by taking them back to your pharmacist.

Buying medications

Medicine bought over the Internet from foreign sources, from storefront businesses that offer to buy foreign medicine for you, or during trips outside the United States, may not be safe or effective. These medicines may present health risks and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cannot ensure the safety of medicine from these sources. The FDA cannot help you if you have problems with medicine you get from outside US regulation and oversight.

Medications can be expensive and it may be tempting to buy them from overseas or via the internet. However, it is important to be aware that overseas businesses may not be required to follow regulations such as those that ensure the safety of medications in the US. In some cases, medications bought from overseas may be ineffective or dangerous.

It is also necessary to follow all relevant US laws whenever you are importing medications into the country (which includes buying them over the internet).

If you buy medications online:

If you are on multiple regular medications, your pharmacist is a very important source of information and can advise regarding safely taking your medications and reinforcing medical information. Having a regular pharmacist can be as important as having a regular doctor.

Further references

Buying Medicine from Outside the United States


  1. “Buying Medicines and Medical Devices over the Internet.” Accessed August 28 2014. link here
  2. “Drug Interactions Index.” Accessed August 26 2014. link here
  3. “Find the Active Ingredient | NPS MedicineWise.” Accessed August 27 2014. link here
  4. “I’m Pregnant — Can I Take Medicines Safely? | NPS MedicineWise.” Accessed August 27 2014. link here
  5. “Inhaler Devices for Respiratory Medicines | NPS MedicineWise.” Accessed August 27 2014. link here
  6. “Living with Medicines | NPS MedicineWise.” Accessed August 25 2014. link here
  7. “Medicines - Safety Issues | Better Health Channel.” Accessed August 25 2014. link here
  8. “Medicines in Pregnancy: How Do You Judge What’s Safe | NPS MedicineWise.” Accessed August 26 2014. link here
  9. “Pregnancy - Medication Drugs and Alcohol | Better Health Channel.” Accessed August 27 2014. link here
  10. “St John’s Wort — Independent Medicine & Health Information | NPS MedicineWise.” Accessed August 28 2014. link here
  11. “Understanding Interactions | NPS MedicineWise.” Accessed August 25 2014. link here

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is an active ingredient?
An active ingredient is what causes the effect of the medication and is the reason you take it. Medications may have a range of ingredients, but they always have one or more active ingredients. The strength of the medication is how much of the active ingredient is in the medication (in each tablet or capsule). The name and concentration of the active ingredient is always listed on the packaging of the medication.
What is a side effect?
A medication is generally prescribed to have a specific effect in the body. Side effects are unwanted or unintended effects that also occur. Side effects can range from something that is so minor it is hardly noticeable, to something life-threatening. All medications can cause side effects, but not all people who take them will necessarily experience them.
What is a medication interaction?
A medication interaction occurs when the effect of a medication is changed in your body because of its reaction with another medication, food, alcohol, complementary medicine or herb, or illicit drug. A medication interaction can mean that your medication may not be as effective as it should be, or that you may experience unwanted or dangerous side effects.
Is it safe to take out-of-date medications?
It is not safe to take out-of-date medications as they can deteriorate over time. The best thing to do with out-of-date medications is to take them to a pharmacy for disposal.
Is it safe to take other people's medications?
It is not safe to take other people's medications. They can make you seriously ill.
Is it safe to stop taking medications without telling my doctor?
Stopping your medications without telling your doctor can be dangerous and lead to serious illness. If you wish to stop taking a medication, discuss it with your doctor. They may be able to recommend alternative medications or treatments, or give you guidance on how to stop safely.
How can I dispose of medications I do not need any more?
You can safely dispose of medications by taking them back to a pharmacist.
Who can I ask about medications?
Your healthcare professionals, such as doctor and pharmacist, can discuss your medications with you.
Can I take medications if I am pregnant?
Many medications can be taken during pregnancy; however, some medications can cause harm to the developing baby or cause premature labor. To help ensure your medication is safe, you can ask your pharmacist, doctor or midwife about any medications, including herbs and complementary medicines, before taking them.
Can I drink alcohol if I am taking a medication?
There are some medications with which it is unsafe to drink alcohol. Your doctor or pharmacist can provide guidance about this.

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About this article

Title: Safe handling of medications

Author: Kellie Heywood

First Published: 17 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Safe handling of medications

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