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Sleep and newborn babies

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How do newborns sleep?

The first weeks and months after bringing a new baby into the family can be a trying time. The newborn's sleep patterns often play a major part in the difficulties faced by new parents. Parents often find that their sleep schedules are thrown into confusion and are concerned about their newborn and their own sleep.

Newborn sleep patterns come in many forms and can vary widely between babies. A healthy newborn can sleep as little as nine hours a day, or as many as 20; the average is 16-18 hours. There is neither one 'right' pattern, nor is it a competition between babies or families. You will know that your newborn is sleeping enough if they are healthy and active during waking hours.

One large reason why sleep is such an issue in newborns is that newborn sleep patterns are very different to those of their parents. As a parent, it is important to understand that newborns do not sleep in the same way that adults do.

The infant has just arrived into this new, strange world. It is undergoing several processes at once:

Thus, sleep in the newborn is a different activity than it is later in life.

How much will a newborn sleep?

Healthy newborns spend from nine to 20 hours a day in sleep throughout their first three months of life, with an average of 16-18 hours. These numbers drop off gradually as your baby grows. A one-year-old baby will sleep for 12-15 hours on average. [1] [2]

At first, your newborn can sleep anywhere and anytime, day and night. After 10-12 weeks, more mature sleep patterns begin to emerge. During the first three months or so, a baby's biological clock starts attuning itself to day-night cycles. They will wake one to three times a night on average. [1]

What happens during newborn's sleep?

Adults spend about a quarter of their sleep time in REM, or 'active' sleep, which is when we dream. Infants in the first three months of their life have a different pattern. They fall almost immediately into active sleep (REM) - eyes closed but moving, limbs moving and twitching. Breathing is often irregular (periodic) and can stop for up to 20 seconds.

Your newborn spends about half of its sleep time in active sleep. Active sleep is necessary for brain development. During sleep, the newborn brain is busy growing, developing and assimilating the information it has gathered while awake. Experiments show that newborns can even learn new things from their environment during sleep.

Why do newborns wake up so often?

An adult 'sleep cycle' - the transitions between deep and light sleep - normally lasts about 90 minutes. We go through several such cycles every night. Your newborn's sleep cycle, however, lasts for only 45-55 minutes.

A newborn baby's stomach is very small - about the size of a marble at birth. Because of this, even a fully-fed baby cannot hold food to sustain them for more than a few hours. Thus, infants need to wake up every one to three hours in order to feed again.

It is not expected that a young infant will 'sleep through the night'. A baby in its first few months who is a 'good sleeper' is not one who sleeps for six to eight hours at a stretch. Rather, it is a baby who can wake up, feed and return to sleep with minimal fuss.

The good news is that after a few months, your newborn will gradually move into a more mature sleep pattern. Sleep patterns change - often just when you have finally become used to the existing pattern.

'Problem sleepers'

Every baby is unique. Different babies will have different sleeping patterns and different rates of development. About one in five babies are considered 'problem sleepers', but there is no set definition.

You may find that your infant is more than three or four months old but:

The question of whether your baby is a 'problem sleeper' depends largely on your baby and your family. Some families are more accommodating of a baby's sleep preferences than others. Generally speaking, a baby is a 'problem sleeper' when their sleep routine (when otherwise healthy) is a persistent disruption to the family's conduct.

The field of infancy sleep is hotly debated even between experts, let alone parents. Faced with this debate, it is good to bear in mind that there is no universal 'solution' to infancy sleep problems. Different children may respond differently to methods, even within the same family.

It is also good to bear in mind that having a sleeping problem before six months of age does not indicate that your child will continue to experience sleep problems at a later age.

Bedtime routine

In order to encourage your baby to move into a more mature sleep pattern, you can try establishing a bedtime routine. This will signal to your baby that sleep time is approaching and prepare them for sleep. Bedtime routines can be started early, or at a later period. Remember that babies can learn, adapt and change as you change your behavior.

Steps you can take include:

Sleep training

'Sleep training' is the name given to several techniques directed at babies who wake up often and cannot go back to sleep by themselves.

The rationale behind this approach is that a parent who rushes to a crying baby's bed is actually reinforcing the baby's unwanted behavior (crying). The parent is not allowing the baby to learn how to 'self-soothe' or 'self-settle' back to sleep without help. Thus, sleep training consists of the parent refraining from comforting a baby who has woken up and is crying.


There are a number of sleep training techniques, including:

Criticism and alternatives

Critics of this approach maintain that:

Alternate methods include a variety of approaches aimed at settling a baby to sleep with parental help, comforting and guidance.


Globally, co-sleeping (baby and parent sleep together) is the most common sleeping arrangement in the world. In Western society it is less common, though it has become more popular in recent years.

Advantages of co-sleeping include:

The main disadvantages of co-sleeping are safety concerns (see 'Safety' below) and, for some parents, discomfort and sleep disturbance when sharing a sleeping space with a baby.


A safe sleeping environment

During the first six months of life, infants are at particular risk of dying while sleeping. Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) is a harrowing experience and a constant worry for any parent. SUID can have a number of causes, including:

Overall, about 80% of sudden unexpected infant deaths are eventually categorized as SIDS. [3 ] Researchers believe that SIDS occurs when the brain stem (which is in charge of regulating our breathing, heart rate and sleep) fails to respond well to a temporary lack of oxygen.

Adopting a safe sleep position will help reduce the chances of SIDS and of suffocation and strangulation. The safest sleep position is:

A safe sleeping position for a baby is on its back. 

Extreme parental emotions

Raising a new baby can be an overwhelming task, both physically and emotionally. It is common for a parent to find themselves exhausted and frustrated when dealing with a baby who will not sleep or stop crying. In some cases, these feelings can cause parents to act irrationally and harm their babies by shaking or hitting them.

In such situations, it is the parent who is, temporarily, the greatest source of danger to the infant. It is therefore important for the parent to recognize when they are nearing such an extreme state of mind and react accordingly. You can try putting the baby down safely and leaving the room for a short while in order to calm down and compose yourself. If possible, seek help from family, friends or a helpline. In situations where you believe your baby is at risk of harm it is important that you seek professional medical help.


  1. Galland B.C. Taylor B.J. Elder D.E. et al. (2012) Normal sleep patterns in infants and children: a systematic review of observational studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews 16:213–222.
  2. Tarullo A.R. Balsam P.D. and Fifer W.P. (2011) Sleep and infant learning. Infant and child development 20:35–46.
  3. Kinney H.C. and Thach B.T. (2009) The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine 361:795–805.
  4. Choices N.H.S. (2014 December 8). Getting your baby to sleep - Pregnancy and baby guide - NHS Choices. Accessed 19 August 2014 from link here
  5. Douglas P.S. & Hill P.S. (2013). Behavioral sleep interventions in the first six months of life do not improve outcomes for mothers or infants: a systematic review. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics: JDBP 34: 497507.
  6. Fransson P. Skiöld B. Engström M. et al. (2009). Spontaneous Brain Activity in the Newborn Brain During Natural SleepAn fMRI Study in Infants Born at Full Term. Pediatric Research 66: 301305.
  7. Gallagher S. Hiscock H. Morton-Allen E. et al. (2006 March). Prevalence stability and outcomes of cry-fuss and sleep problems in the first 2 years of life: prospective community-based study. Pediatrics 117: 836+.
  8. Galland B.C. Taylor B.J. Elder D.E. et al. (2012). Normal sleep patterns in infants and children: A systematic review of observational studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews 16: 213222.
  9. Getting Your Baby to Sleep. HealthyChildren.org. Accessed 20 August 2014 from link here
  10. Infant Sleep | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library. Accessed 20 August 2014 from link here
  11. Lagercrantz H. & Changeux J.-P. (2009). The Emergence of Human Consciousness: From Fetal to Neonatal Life. Pediatric Research 65: 255260.
  12. McGuire E. (2013). Maternal and infant sleep postpartum. Breastfeeding Review 21: 38+.
  13. Microsoft Word - CHW MANUAL Dec 2011.doc - CHW_Manual.pdf. Accessed 19 August 2014 from link here
  14. Ng D.K. & Chan C.-H. (2013). A Review of Normal Values of Infant Sleep Polysomnography. Pediatrics & Neonatology 54: 8287.
  15. Sadeh A. Tikotzky L. & Scher A. (2010). Parenting and infant sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews 14: 8996.
  16. Schwichtenberg A.J.M. & Poehlmann J. (2009). A Transactional Model of SleepWake Regulation in Infants Born Preterm or Low Birthweight. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 34: 837849.
  17. Sleep and your baby | Better Health Channel. Accessed 19 August 2014 from link here
  18. Tarullo A.R. Balsam P.D. & Fifer W.P. (2011). Sleep and Infant Learning. Infant and child development 20: 3546.
  19. Tikotzky L. & Shaashua L. (2012). Infant sleep and early parental sleep-related cognitions predict sleep in pre-school children. Sleep Medicine 13: 185192.
  20. Zentall S.R. Braungart-Rieker J.M. Ekas N.V. et al. (2012). Longitudinal Assessment of SleepWake Regulation and Attachment Security with Parents. Infant and Child Development 21: 443457.

10 Most frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How much do newborns sleep?
Healthy newborns can sleep between 9 and 20 hours a day. An average newborn's sleep is 16 to 18 hours.
Why do newborns sleep so much?
Your infant has just arrived into this new, strange world. It is developing its brain and body at a furious rate, learning new information about its new environment and physically adjusting to the new environment and its rhythms. Sleep is a time for your infant to grow, develop and learn information.
Why do newborns wake up so often?
A newborn baby's stomach is very small - about the size of a marble at birth. Because of this, even a fully-fed baby cannot hold enough food to sustain them for more than a few hours. Thus, infants need to wake up every one to three hours in order to feed again.
When will my baby start sleeping through the night?
Infants younger than 3 months are not expected to sleep more than 1 to 3 hours at a stretch before waking to feed. Many babies start sleeping for 6 to 8 hours when they are older than 6 months. For some babies, it might take longer than that.
Why does my newborn sleep during the day?
Young infants are still adjusting to the day-night cycle; it takes a while for the rhythm to get established.
What is 'sleep training'?
Sleep training is the name given to a number of techniques directed at babies who wake up often and cannot go back to sleep by themselves. The rationale behind this approach is that a parent who rushes to a crying baby's bed is actually re-enforcing the unwanted behavior (crying) and is not giving the baby the chance to learn how to 'self-soothe' or 'self-settle' back to sleep without help. Thus, sleep training consists of the parent refraining from comforting a baby who has woken up and is crying.
What is co-sleeping and should I co-sleep?
Globally, co-sleeping (the baby and parent sleeping next to each other) is the most common sleeping arrangement in the world. However, in Western society it is less common, though it has become more popular in recent years. Advantages of co-sleeping include: reduced anxiety levels for baby and parent; quicker access to baby, so that soothing or feeding can be done while the baby is still stirring and hasn't completely woken up, and; less need for fuss (entering the child's room, lighting a light, making noise, etc.) when baby wakes. The main disadvantages of co-sleeping are safety concerns and, for some parents, discomfort and sleep disturbance when sharing a sleeping space with a baby.
Will my baby's sleep improve on its own?
The large majority of infants start gradually moving towards more mature sleep patterns at 10 to 12 weeks of age. For some, this will be a longer or more gradual shift than for others.
How can I help my baby settle into a routine of nightly sleep?
To encourage your baby to move into a more mature sleep pattern, you can try establishing a bedtime routine. Bedtime routines can be started early, or at a later period. Steps you can take include encouraging play and activity during daytime. When your baby falls asleep during the day, speak at a normal voice and go about your daily activities as usual. When bedtime approaches, move baby into a quiet, dimly-lit environment, speak in a soft voice, change nappy, clothes, etc. and make sure that baby is not overdressed or underdressed. Other steps include bathing, reading a story, rocking and cuddling, or singing a lullaby before bed, putting your baby to bed when they are sleepy but not yet asleep, and having the baby sleep in the same room as you.
How can I keep my baby safe from sudden infant death syndrome?
During the first 6 months of life, infants are at a particular risk of dying while sleeping. Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) is a harrowing experience and a constant worry for any parent. Adopting a safe sleep position will help reduce the chances of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and suffocation during sleep. The safest sleep position is: on the back (for short naps as well as longer sleep periods); in a smoke-free environment; in the same room with another person; alone in the bed/crib; on a firm surface; with baby's feet at or near the foot of the bed, and; with no other objects in the bed.

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About this article

Title: Sleep and newborn babies

Author: Dr Idan Ben-Barak PhD, MSc, BSc (Med)

First Published: 07 Nov 2014

Last reviewed: 17 Jan 2022

Category: Information on Sleep and newborn babies

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